Research team


Experience in transition metal catalysis, organic synthesis, photochemistry, flow chemistry, medicinal chemistry, high-throughput experimentation.

Geminal directing groups in C-H functionalisation (GeMDiG). 01/05/2017 - 30/04/2018


Oxidations are an important class of reactions of industrial interest. These are often performed using reagents which produce considerable amounts of (toxic) waste. The development of oxidation procedures using molecular oxygen, the most abundant, cheap, and sustainable oxidant available on earth, has recently been the focus of chemical research across the world. These procedures are very challenging, and often require additives in stoichiometric amounts, thus compromising the greenness of the process. This proposal describes new oxidations making use of removable and recyclable germinal directing groups.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

N-oxide-promoted aerobic benzylic oxidation. 01/04/2017 - 31/03/2018


Oxidations are an important class of reactions of industrial interest. These are often performed using reagents which produce considerable amounts of (toxic) waste. The development of oxidation procedures using molecular oxygen, the most abundant, cheap, and sustainable oxidant available on earth, has recently been the focus of chemical research across the world. These procedures are very challenging, and often require additives in stoichiometric amounts, thus compromising the greenness of the process. This proposal describes a new method for the benzylic oxidation of pyridine-N-oxide derivatives using oxygen and base metals, which 1) eliminates the need for additives, and 2) allows smooth modification of the oxidation products (post functionalisation) obtained, which proved difficult using previously reported strategies. The aimed methodology will therefore contribute to the development of greener production processes.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project