Research team


I do research in the area of migration, mobility and material culture. Processes of change and more specifically the translation of cultural phenomena are central in my work. I have a regional focus on China. I adopt a triangulation of methods, combining literature study woth ethnography. My esearch topics include: Chinese coffee culture, Fashion Studies (Belgian fashion, fashion in China; fashion education), Chinese migrants in Europe (Antwerp, Prato), transnational migration China-Africa, the anthropology of aesthetics.

Fashioning 'Belgische mode'. A Case Study of Belgian Fashion Designers 01/07/2017 - 31/12/2018


This research project aims to study Belgian fashion designers from a case study approach, based on a mixed method of literature review and ethnography in order to understand the processes of discursive identity of 'Belgian' fashion theoretically anchored in the academic literature on fashion and national identity (Breward et al. 2002; Skov 2002; Kawamura 2004; Melchior et al. 2011; Segre Reinach 2011; Randisi 2015).


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project