Christ'l De Landtsheer

Christ'l De Landtsheer is a director of the Political Communication Research Unit of the Department of Communication Sciences at the University of Antwerp. She is a Professor of Communication Sciences and a past and founding director of the Master Program in Political Communication (
Courses and research by De Landtsheer are in political rhetoric, political psychology, and methods in political communication. Her numerous journal articles, book chapters and books were published in English, Dutch, Spanish, and Japanese.
After having received her PhD in communication sciences from the University of Ghent, Belgium (1985) on the subject of political rhetoric and metaphor in Flemish-belgian media (1831-1981), she was appointed as an Associate Professor at the Amsterdam School of Communications Research ASCoR of the University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands)(until October 2001). She was a visiting scholar at various universities, such as the University of York, and Bournemouth University, UK; the University of Padova and the University of Perugia, Italy; San Diego State University, USA and China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou; Marie Curie University, Lublin, Poland and Lomonosow Moscow State University, Russia.
De Landtsheer participated in the board of international scientific organisations that include the International Political Science Association (Executive Committee of IPSA), and the International Society of Political Psychology (Governing Council of ISPP). She is the Editor of the international peer-reviewed journal Politics, Culture and Socialization.
Among her books are Complex Political Decision-making: Leadership, Legitimacy, and Communication (Routledge, 2017, with Peter Bursens, Luc Braekmans & Barbara Segaert); Metaphorical World Politics (Michigan State University Press, 2004, with Francis A. Beer ); Politically Speaking: A Worldwide Examination of Language Used in the Public Sphere (Praeger, 1998, with Ofer Feldman); Beyond Public Speech and Symbols: Explorations in the Rhetoric of Politicians and the Media (Praeger, 2000, with Ofer Feldman); Democratization, Europeanization, and Globalization Trends. Cross-National Analysis of Authoritarianism, Socialisation, Communications, Youth, and Social Policy (Peter Lang, 2005, with Russell Farnen et al.); Political Culture, Socialization and Education: Interdisciplinary and Cross National Perspectives for a New Century (Peter Lang, 2008, co-edited with Russell Farnen et al.); E-Political Socialization (Peter Lang, 2014, co-edited with Russell Farnen et al.); Political Impression Management in Flanders and in The Netherlands (Acco, 2004, Dutch monography); The Clash of the Titans: A Psycho- Political Cartography of Belgian Politics (Antwerp University Press, 2011, Dutch monography).