Impact of diabetes on medical costs in the pre- and postoperative year of lower extremity amputations in Belgium

Diabetes research and clinical practice - ISSN 0168-8227-207 (2024) p. 1-7

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass induces hepatic transcriptomic signatures and plasma metabolite changes indicative of improved cholesterol homeostasis

Journal of hepatology - ISSN 0168-8278-79:4 (2023) p. 1-13
    Fanny Lalloyer, Denis A. Mogilenko, An Verrijken, Joel T. Haas, Antonin Lamaziere, Mostafa Kouach, Amandine Descat, Sandrine Caron, Emmanuelle Vallez, Bruno Derudas, Celine Gheeraert, Eric Bauge, Gaetan Despres, Eveline Dirinck, Anne Tailleux, David Dombrowicz, Luc Van Gaal, Jerome Eeckhoute, Philippe Lefebvre, Jean-Francois Goossens, Sven Francque, Bart Staels