Short Bio
I am associate professor and programme director at the Institute of Development Policy (IOB), University of Antwerp, Belgium, and associate researcher at Nitlapan-UCA (Universidad Centroamericana), Nicaragua. I hold a PhD in Development Studies (University of Antwerp), and have an academic background in Environmental Sciences and in Economics.
During the past fifteen years I have spent a lot of time in Nicaragua, working as a researcher on social and environmental justice, and previously as the country representative for the Belgian NGO Broederlijk Delen, working with farmer and feminist movements on social-environmental transformations. During these years I have worked closely with several organizations, such as the research and development institute Nitlapan-UCA, various grassroots farmer and environmental movements, as well as with several governmental and academic institutions (e.g. Universidad Centroamericana (UCA)). Currently, I am also Board Member of Oxfam Belgium.
Research interests
My research focuses on social-environmental justice in transformations to sustainability, on the politics of knowledge in (global) environmental discourses and practices, on critiques of green colonialism and uneven ecological exchange, neoliberal natures and green economy/ecomodernism, on alternative (transformational) paradigms, social movements and processes related to post-development and degrowth, as well as on other processes of (re)imagining and (re)enacting alternative social-ecological futures. More specifically, I focus on the social and environmental justice aspects of climate change and biodiversity policies in contexts of 'sustainable development', such as carbon and biodiversity markets, payments for ecosystem services (PES), and green finance. My theoretical approach is interdisciplinary and draws largely from the fields of political ecology, critical geography, social ecology, environmental humanities and (social) ecological economics.
Much of my research has focused on Central- and South America, using different strategies mostly inspired by processes of transformative and participatory action research (see for example a video on our experiences in Nicaragua). I am particularly interested in understanding and connecting social and environmental (in)justices from an intersectional perspective (with attention to the roles of class, gender, and race) across different geographies, considering local histories, environmental politics, and global policy discussions across global conjunctural moments to bring into conversation both the similarities and differences across different places and spaces. A key focus in my research is bridging experiences from the so-called "Global South" in transforming European policies towards more just and legitimate social and ecological transformation.
I am currently also project coordinator for a long-term institutional collaboration between our institute and Nitlapan-UCA (Nicaragua), the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (Ecuador) and the Pontifica Universidad Javeriana (Colombia).
Here you can find an overview of the research projects I am currently involved in.
At the IOB I teach the following courses:
- The Politics of Sustainable Development and ‘Green’ Policies
- Globalization, Social Transformation, and Environmental Justice
- Qualitative and Transformative Evaluation
At the UAntwerp level I coordinate the yearly Debating Development series.
I am also involved as a lecturer in some of the teaching programs organized at our partner institutes in Central America.
Key publications
I have published several book chapters, opinion pieces, policy briefs, and research articles in a diversity of outlets (for a full overview see my publication profile on University of Antwerp or GoogleScholar).
Some contributions to opinion pieces / public debate include:
In English or international media:
- "More than 6,600 academics, students and public figures sign open letter calling on Belgian universities to end cooperation with Israel", in: VRT NWS, 15 January 2025. (Longer version in Dutch and link to the open letter)
- "Beyond COP29: Toward Reparative Justice, Not Corporate Climate Deals", in: European Association for Development Institutes (EADI) blog, 22 November 2024.
- "Belgian academics call on educational bodies to boycott Israel", in: VRT NWS, 4 November 2024. (Longer version in Dutch and link to the open letter; Version in French)
- "Open letter to our rector: University of Antwerp and Gaza: 'Let's define the future'", in: IOB Blog, 18 January 2024.
- "Knowledge asymmetries and struggles for space: Towards a decolonial turn in the evaluation of ‘development’ and ‘conservation’ programmes", in: American Evaluation Association 365 Blog, 7 October 2023.
- "The 'White Saviour' Deal for Nature", in: Green European Journal, 30 December 2021 (also available in French and Greek, with generous support of CETRI, and the Respond Crisis Translation collective).
- "Towards a non-extractive and care-driven academia", in: Beyond Development, 17 August 2020.
- "Planet of the dehumanized: Environmentalism that does not center structural inequality is a dangerous nod to both eco-fascists and eco-modernists alike", in: Uneven Earth, 7 May 2020 (also available in Spanish in the journal Ecología Política).
- "COP25 climate summit: Action must include divestment, decolonization and resistance", in: The Conversation, 10 December 2019 (also available in French, Spanish and Indonesian).
In Dutch:
- "Staakt-het-vuren Gaza: Wapenstilstand of niet, onze juridische verplichtingen blijven bestaan", in: Knack, 24 January 2025. (Also available in French)
- "6600 professoren en studenten roepen op tot academische boycot van Israël", in: VRT NWS, 15 January 2025. (Also available in English)
- "Hoe angst voor radicaliteit verandering tegenwerkt", in: De Standaard, 22 November 2024.
- "15 Belgische academici roepen onderwijsinstellingen op tot boycot van Israël: 'Stop met passief toekijken'", in: VRT NWS, 4 November 2024.
- "Ook protest van Israëlische critici is glashelder: zonder druk van buitenaf blijft Israël geloven dat het met alles kan wegkomen", in: Knack, 31 October 2024. (Also available in French)
- "Democratie en ethisch leiderschap? Ondanks maandenlang protest blijft UAntwerpen zich verschuilen achter bureaucratie en vage excuses", in: Knack, 25 September 2024.
- "Juridische stappen tegen protesterende studenten? Rector heeft als taak de agora te beschermen", in: Knack, 21 June 2024.
- "Personeelsleden UAntwerpen, sluit je aan bij de academische boycot tegen Israël", in: De Wereld Morgen, 7 June 2024.
- "Studenten op de campussen herinneren ons aan de kracht van vreedzame bezettingen om mensen te verenigen", in: Knack, 17 May 2024.
- "Een boycot tegen Israël werkt. Laten we hem zonder angst toepassen", in: De Standaard, 19 February 2024.
- "Gaan we als academici zomaar toekijken op de vernietiging van de universitaire gemeenschap in Palestina?", in: De Morgen, 1 February 2024.
- "Waar blijven de rectoren met hun 'krachtige verklaring' over Israël?", in: De Standaard, 29 December 2023.
- Universiteiten en de Palestijnse kwestie: "Waarom zou een universiteit aan morele druk moeten weerstaan?", in: Knack, 13 December 2023.
- "Open brief aan de rector: UAntwerpen en Gaza, Bepaal mee de toekomst", in: Dwars, 2 December 2023.
- "Applaus voor samenwerking tussen universiteit en 'big corp' is misplaatst", in: De Morgen, 14 October 2022.
- "Een vicerector moet academisch integer zijn, geen commerciële spreekbuis", in: De Standaard, 7 June 2022.
- "Hoe de scheiding tussen mens en natuur meer kapotmaakt dan beschermt", by Thomas Oudman in De Correspondent, 9 May 2022.
- "Internationale plannen voor natuurbescherming zijn een verderzetting van kolonialisme", in: Mo*, 21 March 2022.
- "Er is meer dan één probleem met Michael Moore's 'Planet of the Humans'”, in: Mo*, 6 May 2020.
- "Hoe we nul-emissies écht waar kunnen maken", in: De Morgen, 21 December 2019.
- "De twijfelachtige kleuren van groen geld", in: Mo*, 21 October 2015 (also available in English).
Some academic publications include:
- Kolinjivadi, V., G. Van Hecken, P. Merlet (2023). Fifteen years of research on Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES): Piercing the bubble of success as defined by a Northern-driven agenda. Global Environmental Change 83: 102758.
- Kolinjivadi, V., J.F. Bissonnette, D. Leguizamon Alejo, L. Valencia, G. Van Hecken (2023) The green economy as plantation ecology: When dehumanization and ecological simplification go 'green'. Journal of Political Ecology 30(1): 497-523.
- Vela Almeida, D., V. Kolinjivadi, T. Ferrando, B. Roy, H. Herrera, M. Vecchione Gonçalves, G. Van Hecken (2023) The "Greening" of empire: the European Green Deal as the EU first agenda. Political Geography 105: 1-10.
- Van Hecken, G., V. Kolinjivadi, F. Huybrechs, J. Bastiaensen, P. Merlet (2021) Playing into the Hands of the Powerful: Extracting 'Success' by Mining for Evidence in a Payments for Environmental Services Project in Matiguás-Río Blanco, Nicaragua. Tropical Conservation Science 14: 1-8.
- Shapiro-Garza, E., V. Kolinjivadi, G. Van Hecken, C. Windey, J. Casolo (2021) Praxis in Resource Geography: Tensions Between Engagement and Critique in the (Un)Making of Ecosystem Services. In Himley, M., Havice, E., Valdivia, G. (Eds) The Routledge Handbook of Critical Resource Geography (pp 236-247). London: Routledge.
- Bastiaensen, J., F. Huybrechs, P. Merlet, M. Romero, G. Van Hecken (2021) Fostering bottom-up actor coalitions for transforming complex rural territorial pathways. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 49: 42-49.
- Karpouzoglou T., A. Dewulf, K. Perez, P. Gurung, S. Regmi, A. Isaeva, M. Foggin, J. Bastiaensen, G. Van Hecken, Z. Zulkafli, F. Mao, J. Clark, D. Hannah, P. Chapagain, W. Buytaert, K. Cieslik (2020) From present to future development pathways in fragile mountain landscapes. Environmental Science & Policy 114: 606-613.
- Shapiro-Garza, E., P. McElwee, G. Van Hecken, E. Corbera (2020) Beyond Market Logics: Payments for Ecosystem Services as Alternative Development Practices in the Global South. Development and Change 51(1): 3-25.
- Corbera, E., S. Costedoat, D. Ezzine-de-Blas, G. Van Hecken (2020) Troubled Encounters: Payments for Ecosystem Services in Chiapas, Mexico. Development and Change 51(1): 167-195.
- Huybrechs, F., J. Bastiaensen, G. Van Hecken (2019) Exploring the potential contribution of green microfinance in transformations to sustainability. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 41: 85-92.
- Kolinjivadi, V., G. Van Hecken, D. Vela Almeida, J. Dupras, N. Kosoy (2019) Neoliberal performatives and the 'making' of Payments for Ecosystem Services. Progress in Human Geography 43(1): 3–25.
- Van Hecken, G., P. Merlet, M. Lindtner and J. Bastiaensen (2019) Can financial incentives change farmers' motivations? An agrarian system approach to development pathways at the Nicaraguan agricultural frontier. Ecological Economics 156: 519-529.
- Merlet, P., G. Van Hecken and R. Rodriguez-Fabilena (2018) Playing before paying? A PES simulation game for assessing power inequalities and motivations in the governance of Ecosystem Services. Ecosystem Services 34: 218-227.
- Van Hecken, G., Kolinjivadi, V., Windey, C., McElwee, P., Shapiro-Garza, E., Huybrechs, F., Bastiaensen, J. (2018) Silencing Agency in Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) by Essentializing a Neoliberal ‘Monster’ Into Being: A Response to Fletcher & Büscher's ‘PES Conceit’. Ecological Economics 144: 314-318.
- Pasgaard, M., G. Van Hecken, A. Ehammer, N. Strange (2017) Unfolding scientific expertise and security in the changing governance of Ecosystem Services. Geoforum 84: 354-367.
- Kolinjivadi, V., G. Van Hecken, J.C. Rodríguez de Francisco, J. Pelenc and N. Kosoy (2017) As a lock to a key? Why science is more than just an instrument to pay for nature's services. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 26–27: 1–6.
- Van Hecken, G., J. Bastiaensen and C. Windey (2015) Towards a power-sensitive and socially-informed analysis of Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES): Addressing the gaps in the current debate. Ecological Economics 120: 117-125.
- Van Hecken, G., J. Bastiaensen and F. Huybrechs (2015) What’s in a name? Epistemic perspectives and payments for ecosystem services policies in Nicaragua, Geoforum 63: 55-66.
- Van Hecken, G. and K. Baker (2015) Crossfire: “Are we using Payments for Ecosystem Services to transfer our responsibility for over-consuming natural resources onto poor farmers in the global South?" Enterprise Development and Microfinance 26(3): 215-221.
- Muradian, R., M. Arsel, L. Pellegrini, F. Adaman, B. Aguilar, B. Agarwal, E. Corbera, D. Ezzine de Blas, J. Farley, G. Froger, E. Garcia-Frapolli, E. Gómez-Baggethun; J. Gowdy, N. Kosoy, J.F. Le Coq, P. Leroy, P. May, P. Méral, P. Mibielli, R. Norgaard, B. Ozkaynak, U. Pascual, W. Pengue, M. Perez, D. Pesche, R. Pirard, J. Ramos-Martin, L. Rival, F. Saenz, G. Van Hecken, A. Vatn, B. Vira and K. Urama (2013) Payments for Ecosystem Services and the fatal attraction of win-win solutions, Conservation Letters 6(4): 274-279.
- Van Hecken, G., J. Bastiaensen and W.F. Vásquez (2012) The Viability of Local Payments for Watershed Services: Empirical Evidence from Matiguás, Nicaragua, Ecological Economics 74: 169-176.
- Van Hecken, G. and J. Bastiaensen (2010) Payments for Ecosystem Services: Justified or Not? A Political View, Environmental Science & Policy 13(8): 785-792.
- Van Hecken, G. and J. Bastiaensen (2010) Payments for Ecosystem Services in Nicaragua: Do Market-Based Approaches Work?, Development and Change 41(3): 421-444.
A copy of my doctoral dissertation on critical institutional approaches to analyze the on-the-ground social and political effects of market-based conservation mechanisms can be downloaded here.