Research team


Hayat Bentouhami is a researcher in the Department of Social Epidemiology and Health Policy. She graduated as a biomedical scientist and also obtained a master's degree in epidemiology. She then obtained a PhDin medical sciences. Her doctoral project deals with the importance of theoretical design in observational causal epidemiological research. As a postdoctoral researcher, she coordinates the project "Evaluation of the process and impact of the Smakelijke School project. This project investigates whether introducing healthy meals at school has an impact on the health and well-being and behavior of primary school children. In addition, the detailed mapping of the intervention and the qualitative component will explore the experience of teachers, children and parents with the Smakelijke School project. As a postdoctoral researcher, Hayat is also involved in work package three (health-tranforming capacities of nature based climate shelters in schools) of the European Coolschools project. This project investigates whether nature-based climate shelters in schools have a positive effect on cognitive performance, well-being and behavior of primary school children. In addition, Hayat is active as an epidemiologist within the Working Group Development Primary Care Guidelines (Worel vzw).