Online hate : a European communication perspective
Communications : the European journal of communication research - ISSN 0341-2059-49:3 (2024) p. 371-377
In the mood for food? Exploring the concept of food media and the motivations for engaging with mediated food content from an audience’s and producers’ perspective
Antwerp, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Communication Studies, 2024,250 p.
A scoping review of technological tools for supporting victims of online sexual harassment
Aggression and violent behavior - ISSN 1359-1789-78 (2024) p. 1-10
What are food media (messages)? A scoping review to clarify food media, food messages and food content in academic writing
British food journal - ISSN 0007-070X-126:7 (2024) p. 2746-2768
An examination of (proximal determinants of) online aggression perpetration among adults aged 19 to 79
Deviant behavior - ISSN 0163-9625- (2024) p.