Lindsey Geybels

Lindsey Geybels


Grote Kauwenberg 18
2000 Antwerpen, BEL
Lindsey Geybels is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Antwerp as a team member of the ERC-funded project ‘Constructing Age For Young Readers’. In October 2023 she defended her PhD, ‘Reading the Reader from a Distance: Digital Analyses of the Construction of Age in Fiction for Different Ages’, in which she studied the influence of the age of the intended reader on the construction of age in fiction. Her research interests include digital text analysis, children’s literature, age studies and comparative literature studies, on which she has published articles in The Journal of Social Sciences, Language and Literature, Spiegel der Letteren and The Journal of Cultural Analytics. She has also contributed to the book Age in David Almond’s Oeuvre, a co-authored volume collecting research of all members of the ‘Constructing Age For Young Readers’ project and published by Routledge in the Children’s Literature and Culture series. Her other interests are radio drama, audionarratology and adaptation studies, for which she is currently developing a postdoctoral research proposal.


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