Nicola Brajato

Nicola Brajato is PhD researcher in Fashion and Gender Studies at the University of Antwerp (Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Communication Studies). His research is focused on the role of Belgian men’s fashion in the redefinition of masculinities, specifically on the creative practices of a cohort of designers able to present non-conventional and queer versions of masculinity. Previously, he was Research Scholar at the University of Bologna - Rimini Campus with a project on "Fashion Archive" aimed to the realisation of an exhibition on the relationship between club culture and fashion. He was academic tutor for the undergraduate program in Fashion at the University of Bologna - Rimini Campus. In 2015, he obtained the BA degree in Culture e Tecniche della Moda (University of Bologna), followed by a Master Degree in Fashion Culture (University of Bologna) in 2017 with a final dissertation titled Masculinities on the Dancefloor, focusing on the evolution of the Italian male identity through dance and fashion at Rimini Paradiso club, awarded with the "Cultura d'impresa" prize for the best graduation project.