Fluid accumulation syndrome in sepsis and septic shock : pathophysiology, relevance and treatment-a comprehensive review

Annals of intensive care - ISSN 2110-5820-14:1 (2024) p. 1-12

Is the NICE Guideline for maintenance fluid therapy in adults in hospital appropriate?

Clinical nutrition ESPEN - ISSN 2405-4577-63 (2024) p. 113-120

Fluid accumulation in critically ill patients? Think beyond resuscitation fluids and cut the creep!

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Choice of creep or maintenance fluid type and their impact on total daily ICU sodium burden in critically ill patients : a systematic review and meta-analysis

Journal of critical care - ISSN 0883-9441-78 (2023) p. 1-9
    Jan Waskowski, Sarah M. Salvato, Martin Mueller, Debora Hofer, Niels Van Regenmortel, Carmen A. Pfortmueller

Lung epithelial and myeloid innate immunity in influenzaassociated or COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis: an observational study

The lancet respiratory medicine - ISSN 2213-2600-10:12 (2022) p. 1147-1159
    Simon Feys, Samuel M. Goncalves, Mona Khan, Sumin Choi, Bram Boeckx, Denis Chatelain, Cristina Cunha, Yves Debaveye, Greet Hermans, Marjan Hertoghs, Stephanie Humblet-Baron, Cato Jacobs, Katrien Lagrou, Lukas Marcelis, Julien Maizel, Philippe Meersseman, Remy Nyga, Laura Seldeslachts, Marick Rodrigues Starick, Karin Thevissen, Christophe Vandenbriele, Lore Vanderbeke, Greetje Vande Velde, Niels Van Regenmortel, Arno Vanstapel, Sam Vanmassenhove, Alexander Wilmer, Frank L. Van de Veerdonk, Gert De Hertogh, Peter Mombaerts, Diether Lambrechts, Agostinho Carvalho, Johan Van Weyenbergh, Joost Wauters