Pim Verhulst

Pim Verhulst (1985) is a postdoc at the Centre for Manuscript Genetics and a team member of the ERC-funded project ‘Creative Undoing and Textual Scholarship: A Rapprochement Between Genetic Criticism and Scholarly Editing’, supervised by Dirk Van Hulle. His research interests are genetic criticism, textual editing, bilingualism, translation, Modernism and radio drama, on which he has published articles in the Journal of Beckett Studies, Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd’hui, Variants: The Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship, Spiegel der letteren and English Text Construction. He has also contributed to The New Cambridge Companion to Samuel Beckett (2015) and published essays in Beckett and BBC Radio: A Reassessment (Palgrave, 2017) and Beckett and Modernism (Palgrave, 2018), of which he is a co-editor. In December 2014 he defended his PhD, 'The Making of Samuel Beckett’s Radio Plays: Interpretative Implications of Reading and Writing Traces', which will be published by Bloomsbury in the Beckett Digital Manuscript Project series (www.beckettarchive.org). He is also co-authoring the BDMP modules of Molloy and Malone Dies. Since 2013 Pim Verhulst has been acting as assistant editor on the board of the Journal of Beckett Studies.