The ongoing risk of Leishmania donovani transmission in eastern Nepal : an entomological investigation during the elimination era

Parasites and vectors - ISSN 1756-3305-16:1 (2023) p. 1-11
    Lalita Roy, Kristien Cloots, Surendra Uranw, Keshav Rai, Narayan R. Bhattarai, Tom Smekens, Rik Hendrickx, Guy Caljon, Epco Hasker, Murari L. Das, Wim Van Bortel

Comparative evaluation of nucleic acid stabilizing reagents for RNA- and DNA-based Leishmania detection in blood as proxy for visceral burdens

Journal of microbiological methods - ISSN 0167-7012-173 (2020) p. 1-7