Exploiting secondary electrons in transmission electron microscopy for 3D characterization of nanoparticle morphologies

Antwerpen, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Science, 2024,x, 118 p.

Designer phospholipid capping ligands for soft metal halide nanocrystals

Nature - ISSN 0028-0836-626 (2024) p. 542-548
    Viktoriia Morad, Andriy Stelmakh, Mariia Svyrydenko, Leon G. Feld, Simon C. Boehme, Marcel Aebli, Joel Affolter, Christoph J. Kaul, Nadine Schrenker, Sara Bals, Yesim Sahin, Dmitry N. Dirin, Ihor Cherniukh, Gabriele Raino, Andrij Baumketner, Maksym V. Kovalenko

Advanced Electron Tomography to Investigate the Growth and Stability of Complex Metal Nanoparticles

Antwerpen, Universiteit Antwerpen, Faculteit Wetenschappen, Departement Fysica, 2024,227 p.