Research team
Expert on energy performance of buildings regulations and modeling methods, part-time employed at both University of Antwerp and VITO. Developing methodologies and data driven tools for energy renovation and optimized operation of buildings and districts. The reasearch focus is on integrating occupant behavioral aspects and smart technologies in decision support methods for a better design and operation of buildings. A brief selection of research projects include: o "Smart Power" (2017-2018 and 2019-2020) (UAntwerpen) Subcontractor for WTCB, providing dynamic simulation methods and occupancy beheviour models with the aim to achieve better HVAC cacpacity design algorithms for dwellings o "Building Smart Readiness Indicator" (2017-2018 and 2019-2020) (VITO) "Support to the European Commission to develop a smart readiness indicator" Scientific coordinator of first technical support study Overall coordinator of the second technical support study o Ecodistr-ICT (2013-2016)(VITO) "Integrated decision support tool for retrofit and renewal towards sustainable districts" EU FP7 project Role: technical coordinator o STEP-UP (2012-2015)(VITO) "Strategies Towards Energy Performance and Urban Planning" EU FP7 project o Invited speaker at various conferences and events, including Panel leader ECEEE 2019 Summer study, IAE 4E high level workshop “Connected devices for increased demand-side flexibility” - Stockholm – 29 November 2019, Technical programme committee Sustainable places conference: 2014, 2015, 2016
Innovative bio-based building materials with thermal energy storage function (BIOBUILD).
The aim of BIOBUILD project is to develop and demonstrate fully bio-based building materials with thermal storage function that can replace high environmental footprint products. Our solution demonstrates functional incorporation of bio-based phase change materials (bioPCMs) into solid wood and wood fibres bound by plant oil resins, lignin, or fungal mycelia to produce novel bio-composite building materials with significantly improved thermal properties. The novel materials possess a high multifunctional performance, meet requirements for sustainable "green" production, and ensure end-of-life options and recycling. Environmental and social impacts and benefits are fully integrated into the life-cycle perspective.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Audenaert Amaryllis
- Co-promoter: Buyle Matthias
- Co-promoter: Verbeke Stijn
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
CHIASMUS: Climate-based Hybrid locally-Informed Adaptive Strategies from Modelling of the Urban Stock.
By 2050, urban areas are expected to host 70% of the global population, posing both challenges and opportunities. Currently, cities are responsible for more than 60% of global energy consumption and a staggering 70% of human-induced greenhouse gas emissions, exacerbating climate change. As urbanization continues to accelerate, there is an urgent need for cities and buildings to improve their environmental performance. This necessitates collaborative efforts among policymakers, building stakeholders, and citizens to advance mitigation and adaptation strategies tailored to each city's unique context. Efforts towards achieving climate-neutral cities are underway, driven by technological advancements, ambitious emission reduction goals, the phase-out of fossil fuels, and national renovation policies. However, significant knowledge gaps persist, particularly in understanding how urban-level mitigation measures impact indoor environmental quality in buildings and how homeowners' actions affect the broader urban climate. The CHIASMUS project aims to address these challenges by focusing on three key research questions: defining an appropriate spatial resolution for urban climate and building energy data, assessing uncertainties in district-and-building energy models, and formulating locally-informed mitigation and adaptation strategies. Ultimately, the project seeks to contribute to the creation of sustainable and resilient cities that can effectively tackle the complex challenges posed by climate change in the future.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Audenaert Amaryllis
- Co-promoter: Verbeke Stijn
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Assessing the energy, thermal comfort and economic impact of Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS) - Towards a reliable evaluation for new and retrofitted residential buildings.
Advanced Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS) are increasingly being implemented in residential buildings. In general, these smart technologies contribute to a healthy and comfortable indoor environment, while they also beneficially affect the energy performance of the building. In order to support design and investment decisions in relation to BACS, there is a need to reliably assess their performance during the early design stages. Current methods available to designers and investors are either highly complex dynamic energy simulations, either simplified factor-based methods which have a low reliability as they do not take into account contextual parameters, nor provide insights on comfort perception and cost-effectiveness. The aim of this project is to investigate how and to what extent the influence of the building design features, the installation characteristics, its occupants and its context should be incorporated in a combined performance assessment for energy, thermal comfort and economic performance of BACS in residential design applications. A proof-of-concept methodology for such an assessment will be developed using dynamic Building Energy Performance Simulations (BEPS) and life cycle cost analysis. As part of this analysis, the possibilities to implement BACS more realistic in BEPS will be explored. The feasibility of this approach will be evaluated for eight Belgian case studies.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Audenaert Amaryllis
- Co-promoter: Verbeke Stijn
- Fellow: Van Thillo Lotte
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
B.CLIC - Building Control Life Cycle Cost. Towards an improved understanding of life cycle costs and energy savings of building and control systems.
The aim of this project is to works towards the delivery of two valorisable entities: the assessment methodology for BACS design and the underlying database containing energy performance data, economic and technical BACS information. In the B.CLIC research project the first important steps will be taken towards a marketable product. The research team envisions four main routes towards valorisation: followon research through bilateral R&D with the industry, consultancy services, a decision support tool and a scientific database.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Audenaert Amaryllis
- Co-promoter: Meysman Jasmine
- Co-promoter: Verbeke Stijn
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Assessing the energy, thermal comfort and economic impact of Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS) - Towards a reliable evaluation for new and retrofitted residential buildings
Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS) can significantly contribute to a healthy and comfortable indoor environment, while they also beneficially affect the energy performance of a residential building. Although they are often a cost-effective investment, the lack of reliable information on their impacts can impede their market uptake. Current energy performance assessment tools for early design stages or certification do not take into account the influence of building design features and contextual factors or are not profitable for small scale applications. The performances of BACS are expected to be sensitive to the building design features, installation characteristics, occupant behaviour and climate zone. This project aims to derive the impact of several of these factors on energy, thermal comfort and economic performances by means of dynamic building energy performance simulations and life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) and to propose an improved assessment method, suitable for early design applications. The focus is devoted to the creation of an underlying calculation framework, which will be tested for eight case study buildings. The acquired knowledge of the relation between contextual factors and BACS performances can support design and investment decisions, while the framework will allow further expansion to cover a broader scope.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Audenaert Amaryllis
- Co-promoter: Verbeke Stijn
- Fellow: Van Thillo Lotte
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Context: In our increasingly dense urban environment, there is a growing need for green spaces. As there is little space left to integrate this vegetation in a traditional way, alternative solutions are needed. Where green roofs are increasingly used today, vertical building surfaces remain largely unused. However, the available vertical façade area in cities is large. Both ground-bound green façades and living wall systems have enormous market potential. In addition to the economic opportunities they offer, they go hand in hand with a positive ecological, social and urban planning impact. They offer a cost and space-efficient way to increase the liveability and climate resilience of cities, they filter pollution and CO2 from the air, they increase biodiversity and they have a positive impact on people's productivity. Goals: The latent potential of green façades is almost ready to be monetized in terms of positive economic, ecological, social and urban planning impacts. To this end, knowledge that is concentrated in research institutes and in the manufacturing industry needs to be prepared for dissemination to the field and translated into practical tools and guidelines. In order to achieve a breakthrough in vertical façade greening and stimulate new innovations, this TETRA project will therefore focus on: (1) Developing an objective assessment framework to evaluate the performance of green façades. This will include environmental, economic and building physics elements. The systems will be assessed on the basis of their performance during their entire life cycle. (2) The elaboration of practical and reliable decision tools to help the various actors within the construction sector (e.g. architects, contractors, building owners, authorities) in the judicious prescription and application of green façades. Attention will be paid to the various elements that can influence the final choice, including the installation and maintenance of the various systems (e.g. whether or not they are ground-bound). (3) Targeted product innovations and testing in demo applications, such as evaluating and optimizing the efficiency of growth limiters. (4) Disseminating the knowledge to the various target groups by means of demos, workshops, ... Particular attention will be paid to the flow of knowledge and experience to education (e.g. students of architecture and industrial engineering, as well as practical training in construction and landscaping). Output: - - Buildwise Innovation paper "Begroende Gevels" (November 2022) - Wetenschappelijk Eindrapport WonderWalls (November 2022) Scientific Publications: A1: Is the sustainability potential of vertical greening systems deeply rooted? Establishing uniform outlines for environmental impact assessment of VGS Rowe, Timothy; Poppe, Jan; Buyle, Matthias; Belmans, Bert; Audenaert, Amaryllis Renewable and sustainable energy reviews - ISSN 1364-0321 - 162(2022), p.1-12 A1 (Under review) A review on the Leaf Area Index (LAI) in vertical greening systems. De Bock, A., Belmans, B., Vanlanduit S., Blom J., Alvarado-Alvarado A. Audenaert, A. Building and Environment, 34 p. Modeling the hygrothermal benefits of green walls using COMSOL Multiphysics ® Alvarado-Alvarado A., De Bock, A. , Belmans, B., Denys S. Sustainable Cities and Societies (SCS) P1 Conference proceedings with peer review: What's under the canopy of current LCA studies on vertical greening systems? – a SWOT analysis Timothy Rowe, Anouk De Bock, Matthias Buyle, Bert Belmans and Amaryllis Audenaert Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Green Building Stockholm, Sweden, 6 p. SWOT Analysis of an LWS as a replacement for the outer cavity leaf. M. Adriaenssen, W. Meeusen, T. Rowe, B. Belmans, A. Audenaert Proceedings 2022 International Conference on Green Energy and Environmental Technology (GEET-22) July 2022, Rome, Italy, ISSN: 2695-804X, 6 p.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Audenaert Amaryllis
- Co-promoter: Belmans Bert
- Co-promoter: Denys Siegfried
- Co-promoter: Verbeke Stijn
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Smart Power.
Even though energy demand in buildings is falling sharply and will have to fall even further, a correct calculation of the required installed capacity is becoming increasingly important. Innovative techniques often require a larger investment, which means that correct sizing is required in order to compete with conventional techniques. By introducing all kinds of IT solutions, smart solutions can be introduced which, on the one hand, allow better control of building comfort (correct power and temperature regime at all times, resulting in improved efficiency) and, on the other hand, allow to respond to grid requirements (Smart Grids, both electrical and heat) because there too the variable availability of sufficient power entails a cost.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Audenaert Amaryllis
- Co-promoter: Verbeke Stijn
- Co-promoter: Verhaert Ivan
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
The effect of thermal inertia on energy demand and thermal comfort in dwellings.
A large amount of building thermal mass is sometimes advocated as an energy saving measure in climate responsive building design, as it can contribute to a more stable indoor climate and store daytime solar energy gains to reduce heating demand during evening hours. Conversely, the thermal mass can also cause negative effects as the thermal inertia could prolong periods of overheating and reduce benefits of temperature setback regimes. This doctoral research sets out to investigate the relative contribution of building thermal mass on heating energy consumption and thermal comfort for Belgian residential buildings. Multi-zone dynamic building simulations using EnergyPlus software are carried out in conjunction with Matlab pre- and post-processing to investigate a broad range of design variants. Unlike the simplified (quasi-) steady-state calculation tools which are commonly used to evaluate the building's energy performance during design stage, the dynamic whole building simulation tool is able to quantify the transient heat flow and storage effects. The influences of thermal mass on energy consumption and thermal comfort are assessed in relation to other architectural design characteristics including building typology, thermal insulation, orientation, and window-to-wall ratio. The behaviour of the building occupant has proven to be an important parameter and therefore a detailed model for domestic occupant behaviour has been constructed which also represents the interactions of the occupant with the building, e.g. through the opening of windows.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Audenaert Amaryllis
- Fellow: Verbeke Stijn
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Exploratory research on indoor air quality in buildings after (energy efficient) renovations.
This research project is an explanatory investigation of the indoor air quality in buildings (houses as well as schools) where renovations were carried out aiming at energy saving, including interventions to improve the indoor air quality. One part of the research focuses on a detailed study of the influence of air filtration on the indoor environment in schools. This project represents a formal research agreement between UA and on the other hand VITO. UA provides VITO research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Lauriks Leen
- Co-promoter: Verbeke Stijn
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Underground building and living: requirements in construction and building fysics.
- Promoter: Verbruggen Aviel
- Fellow: Verbeke Stijn
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project