Marianne meets the Mormons: representations of Mormonism in nineteenth-century France
Mormon Studies Review - ISSN 2156-8022-11 (2024) p. 152-159
Translating the Crown Jewel : the Book of Mormon in Dutch between conservatism and modernism
Trajecta - ISSN 0778-8304-31:2 (2022) p. 629-654
Altering translated scriptures: the case of Familiar Spirit (as a key phrase of the restoration and as an inapt product of Jacobean demonology)
Journal of Mormon History - ISSN 0094-7342-49:4 (2023) p. 45-81
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Europe
The Atlas of Religious or Belief Minority Rights
Où va la question? La didactique du FLE face à l’évolution de la phrase interrogative en français: considérations en fonction du néerlandais
Levende Talen - Sectie Frans - Nieuwsbrief- (2021.09.14) p. 1-10