Teaching component

Practice and theory alternate and intertwine in teacher education. Every practical experience is a stepping stone for theory (reflection). The theory is a springboard to the next practice activity (prospection).

Theory is introduced in the form of subject-specific pedagogy (Dutch: vakdidactiek), among other things. This means that you learn how to teach your subject. Because teaching mathematics, for example, is completely different from teaching French. You can combine two subjects or you can replace one subject with a specialization package (Dutch: profileringsvak + profileringsstage) that zooms in on a current topic in education.

In addition to your subject-specific training, the programme also includes general educational subject matter. Six themes - including classroom management, student diversity and guidance, etc. - are the connecting thread between the various general courses (Dutch: algemene didactiek + leren en motiveren + onderwijskundige concepten).

The practice component of the curriculum consists of subject-specific practice sessions (Dutch: vakdidactische oefenlessen) and three different internships. You start with an exploratory orientation internship (Dutch: oriënteringsstage). This is followed by two completion internships (Dutch: groeistage), which are linked to your subject didactics. You end with a specialization internship (Dutch: profileringsstage), the emphasis of which you can choose yourself.

The master's thesis (Dutch: masterproef) combines your knowledge and insight (Dutch: reflectielijn + praktijklijn + theorielijn) from your teaching component, together with your knowledge and insight regarding your subject.