Learning outcomes

Dutch-taught Bachelor of Chemistry

1. The Bachelors have a broad basic knowledge of and insight in the different subfields of chemistry and of the natural sciences related to chemistry such as mathematics, physics, biology and biochemistry. They are able to find, understand and value scientific information in their discipline, and have insight in simple scientific models and their field of application.

2. The Bachelors have a solid insight in the structure and reactivity of molecules and materials, the relation between molecular and material characteristics and the main ways in which these molecules and materials can be synthesised and analysed. Moreover they are familiar with social issues that are connected to the subject area, such as environmental care, green chemistry and sustainable development.

3. The Bachelors are able to critically describe, analyze, evaluate and solve a simple problem in chemistry in theory and in practice. For this they have insight in the appropriate research methods and strategies and are able to apply them under supervision.

4. The Bachelors have the required experimental skills to acquire additional knowledge and insight through chemical experiments. They are familiar with current chemicals, laboratory glassware and instruments and classical laboratory techniques, and are able, with coaching, to learn new techniques. They have knowledge of safety norms and apply them correctly.

5. The Bachelors are able to set up a simple scientific experiment, either independently or in a team, and are able to execute it meticulously and according to plan. They can critically analyse and judge its quality to a certain extent, process its results, analyse and synthesise and argue conclusions. They have sufficient computer skills to do this.

6. The Bachelors have a critical attitude towards the information they gather about chemical problems and about their discipline: they are aware of the insecurity, the ambiguity and the limitations of knowledge. They are also aware that the use of scientific models has its limitations.

7. The Bachelors reflect on the role and place of chemistry in society and on the relation between their chemical actions and the broad social context. Based on chemical knowledge, insights and skills acquired and based on international manuals and specialist literature, they can form founded opinions in relation to chemical-social problems.

8. The Bachelors can develop information, ideas and solutions and report on them. They can communicate clearly in their mother tongue, both orally and in writing, and this with specialists as well as non-specialists. They also have sufficient language skills in English in order to understand international specialist literature.

9. The Bachelors are able to give an answer to society to general questions about the role of chemistry in society and about the use and/or dangers of chemical compounds and materials.

10. The Bachelors have the attitude to keep following the scientific evolution in chemistry and reflect upon it. They are familiar with the information channels and activities allowing them to keep abreast of the development of new methods and recent evolutions in their discipline.