Learning outcomes

Dutch-taught Bachelor of Conservation-Restoration

1. The Bachelor has a broad basic knowledge of historical as well as contemporary art and cultural movements, has developed a sound historical awareness and knows the principles of natural sciences and its applications in conservation-restoration. The Bachelor knows the main (inter)national insights in social and natural sciences.

2. The Bachelor interprets common heritage objects, ideas and practices in conservation-restoration and in heritage care from a material-technical, socio-cultural-anthropological and historical perspective with respect for diversity and cultural values, philosophical convictions and ideological visions of the stakeholders.

3. The Bachelor performs defined diagnostic research into movable, immovable and immaterial heritage as basis for the conservation-restoration practice. The Bachelor reflects on the (contextual) role that the object will fulfill in the future.

4. The Bachelor knows the research methodologies and techniques of the humanities and the natural sciences that are relevant for heritage and conservation sciences and can apply these to set up and execute their own (confined) sustainable heritage research.

5. The Bachelor identifies the material-technical and contextual layering of heritage and formulates an appropriate conservation-, restoration-, intervention- and/or a maintenance and management concept, in accordance with the regulations and legislation relevant to the conservation-restoration practice in relation to ethics, deontology, environment and safety.

6. The Bachelor knows the analysis, identification, documentation and registration processes for heritage. The Bachelor executes these correctly and can suggest, motivate and implement (or have implemented) improvements and adjustments to the processes based on a general background knowledge of databases.

7. The Bachelor knows the applications of prominent digital workflows and types of digital services and solutions in the heritage sector and uses these in projects.

8. The Bachelor can disclose, critically select, correctly interpret, (re)formulate and synthesize scientific information relevant to heritage care and conservation-restoration.

9. The Bachelor opens up heritage in a multimedial, qualitative and sustainable way, adapted to diverse (international) target groups and the actors involved.

10. The Bachelor can clearly communicate and discuss questions, theses and ideas in the conservation-restoration and heritage sector and translate these to a broad audience. The message is adapted to the target audience and various media are used flexibly to enhance the communication.

11. The Bachelor learns to take on various roles in collaboration arrangements in order to use their own competences optimally. Hereby the complementarity of collaborations is used to optimally execute conservation assignments.

12. The Bachelor acquires basic insights in entrepreneurship in the conservation-restoration and heritage sector.