Model Path
Besides the Master's thesis (18 ECTS-credits) and the free-choice elective (12 ECTS-credits), you also need to select 30 ECTS-credits out of the Dutch courses offered below, of which at least one course on literature, one course on linguistics.
Master's thesis
Master's Thesis
Dutch: literature
Select at least one course out of the following:
Chivalric Romance in Middle Dutch
Religious Literature in the Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Period
Mystical Authors
Renaissance Literature and Culture
Contemporary Dutch Literature
Buitengaats: Contemporary African Literature
- Ilse de Korte
- Valerie Rousseau
Dutch-language Drama in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period
Dutch: linguistics
Select at least one course out of the following:
The Sociolinguistics of Online Communication
Dutch corpus linguistics
Middle Dutch medical texts through a linguistic microscope
Electives / Free-choice
Students choose 12 ECTS-credits from the list or from
- other courses belonging to the Master¹s programme in Linguistics and Literature, restricted to their language choices in the Bachelor's program,
- courses that belong to a different master's programme than "Linguistics and Literature", including master's programmes organised by other Faculties (approval by the Education Board is required),
- language courses from the Master of Teaching, restricted to their language choices in the Bachelor's program.
Students can choose only 1 Internship course, belonging to their Master's programme.
Scientific Internship
Dutch Language Proficiency: Writing and Speaking in a Changing Society
Model Path
Besides the Master's thesis (18 ECTS-credits) and the free-choice elective (12 ECTS-credits), you also need to select 30 ECTS-credits out of the Dutch courses offered below, of which at least one course on literature, one course on linguistics.
Master's thesis
Master's Thesis
Dutch: literature
Select at least one course out of the following:
Chivalric Romance in Middle Dutch
Religious Literature in the Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Period
Mystical Authors
Renaissance Literature and Culture
Contemporary Dutch Literature
Buitengaats: Contemporary African Literature
- Ilse de Korte
- Valerie Rousseau
Dutch-language Drama in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period
Dutch: linguistics
Select at least one course out of the following:
The Sociolinguistics of Online Communication
Dutch corpus linguistics
Middle Dutch medical texts through a linguistic microscope
Electives / Free-choice
Students choose 12 ECTS-credits from the list or from
- other courses belonging to the Master¹s programme in Linguistics and Literature, restricted to their language choices in the Bachelor's program,
- courses that belong to a different master's programme than "Linguistics and Literature", including master's programmes organised by other Faculties (approval by the Education Board is required),
- language courses from the Master of Teaching, restricted to their language choices in the Bachelor's program.
Students can choose only 1 Internship course, belonging to their Master's programme.
Scientific Internship
Dutch Language Proficiency: Writing and Speaking in a Changing Society
Model Path
Besides the master thesis (18 ECTS-credits) and the free-choice elective (6 ECTS-credits), you also need to select 36 ECTS-credits out of the courses Dutch offered below, of which at least one course on literature and at least one course on linguistics.
Master's thesis
Master's Thesis
Dutch: literature
Select at least one course out of the following:
Chivalric Romance in Middle Dutch
Religious Literature in the Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Period
Mystical Authors
Renaissance Literature and Culture
Broken Time: Dutch Literature during World War II
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
Contemporary Dutch Literature
Buitengaats: Contemporary African Literature
- Kris Humbeeck
- Ilse de Korte
- Valerie Rousseau
Dutch-language Drama in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period
A Crumbling Evening Country? The Image of Europe in Dutch Literature
Dutch: linguistics
Select at least one course out of the following:
Sense and Meaning
Language Contact and Language Dynamics
The Sociolinguistics of Online Communication
Electives / Free-choice
Students choose 6 ECTS-credits from the courses belonging to the Master's programme in Linguistics and Literature on the condition that these courses are related to their Bachelor's language combinations.
Courses that belong to a different master's programme than "Linguistics and Literature", including master's programmes organised by another Faculty, will first have to be approved by the Education Board.
Scientific Internship
Dutch Language Proficiency: Writing and Speaking in a Changing Society
Model Path
Besides the master thesis (18 ECTS-credits) and the free-choice elective (6 ECTS-credits), you also need to select 36 ECTS-credits out of the courses Dutch offered below, of which at least one course on literature and at least one course on linguistics.
Master's thesis
Master project
Dutch: literature
Select at least one course out of the following:
Chivalric Rom. in Middle Dutch
Religious literature in the Middle Ages and in the early modern period
Mystical authors
Renaissance literature and culture
Broken time: Dutch Literature during World War II
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
Contemporary Dutch literature
Buitengaats: Contemporary African Literature
- Kris Humbeeck
- Ilse de Korte
- Valerie Rousseau
Dutch-language drama in the Middle Ages and early modern period
A crumbling evening country? The image of Europe in Dutch literature
Dutch: linguistics
Select at least one course out of the following:
Speaking and hearing
Sense and meaning
Language contact and language dynamics
The sociolinguistics of online communication
Electives / Free-choice
Students choose 6 ECTS-credits from the courses belonging to the Master¹s programme in Linguistics and Literature on the condition that these courses are related to their Bachelor¹s language combinations.
Courses that belong to a different master¹s programme than ³Linguistics and Literature", including master¹s programmes organised by another Faculty, will first have to be approved by the Education Board.
Scientific internship
Dutch language proficiency: Writing and speaking in a changing society
Model Path
Besides the master thesis (18 ECTS-credits) and the free-choice elective (6 ECTS-credits), you also need to select 36 ECTS-credits out of the courses Dutch offered below, of which at least one course on literature and at least one course on linguistics.
Master's thesis
Master project
Dutch: literature
Select at least one course out of the following:
Chivalric Rom. in Middle Dutch
Religious literature in the Middle Ages and in the early modern period
Mystical authors
Renaissance literature and culture
Broken time: Dutch Literature during World War II
- Gwennie Debergh
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
Contemporary Dutch literature
Buitengaats: Contemporary African Literature
- Kris Humbeeck
- Ilse de Korte
- Valerie Rousseau
Dutch: linguistics
Select at least one course out of the following:
Speaking and hearing
- Jolien Faes
- Steven Gillis
- Jo Verhoeven
Sense and meaning
Language contact and language dynamics
Language acquisition
- Jolien Faes
- Steven Gillis
The sociolinguistics of online communication
Electives / Free-choice
Students choose 6 ECTS-credits from the courses belonging to the Master¹s programme in Linguistics and Literature on the condition that these courses are related to their Bachelor¹s language combinations.
Courses that belong to a different master¹s programme than ³Linguistics and Literature", including master¹s programmes organised by another Faculty, will first have to be approved by the Education Board.
Scientific internship
Dutch language proficiency: Writing and speaking in a changing society
Model Path
Besides the master thesis (18 ECTS-credits) and the free-choice elective (6 ECTS-credits), you also need to select 36 ECTS-credits out of the courses Dutch offered below, of which at least one course on literature and at least one course on linguistics.
Master's thesis
Master project
Dutch: literature
Select at least one course out of the following:
Chivalric Rom. in Middle Dutch
Religious literature in the Middle Ages and in the early modern period
Mystical authors
Renaissance literature and culture
From scaffold to theatre: theatre in the Low Countries from the 17th till the 20th century
Broken time: Dutch Literature during World War II
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
Contemporary Dutch literature
A crumbling evening country? The image of Europe in Dutch literature
Dutch: linguistics
Select at least one course out of the following:
Speaking and hearing
- Jolien Faes
- Steven Gillis
- Jo Verhoeven
Sense and meaning
Language contact and language dynamics
Language acquisition
- Jolien Faes
- Steven Gillis
Electives / Free-choice
Students choose 6 ECTS-credits from the courses belonging to the Master¹s programme in Linguistics and Literature on the condition that these courses are related to their Bachelor¹s language combinations.
Courses that belong to a different master¹s programme than ³Linguistics and Literature", including master¹s programmes organised by another Faculty, will first have to be approved by the Education Board.
Scientific internship
Dutch language proficiency: Writing and speaking in a changing society
Model Path
Besides the master thesis (18 ECTS-credits) and the free-choice elective (6 ECTS-credits), you also need to select 36 ECTS-credits out of the courses Dutch offered below, of which at least one course on literature and at least one course on linguistics.
Master's thesis
Master project
Dutch: literature
Select at least one course out of the following:
Chivalric Rom. in Middle Dutch
Religious literature in the Middle Ages and in the early modern period
Mystical authors
Renaissance literature and culture
From scaffold to theatre: theatre in the Low Countries from the 17th till the 20th century
Broken time: Dutch Literature during World War II
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
Contemporary Dutch literature
Buitengaats: Contemporary African Literature
- Kris Humbeeck
- Valerie Rousseau
A crumbling evening country? The image of Europe in Dutch literature
Dutch: linguistics
Select at least one course out of the following:
Speaking and hearing
- Jolien Faes
- Steven Gillis
- Jo Verhoeven
Sense and meaning
Language contact and language dynamics
Language acquisition
- Jolien Faes
- Steven Gillis
- Hanne Kloots
Electives / Free-choice
Students choose 6 ECTS-credits from the courses belonging to the Master¹s programme in Linguistics and Literature on the condition that these courses are related to their Bachelor¹s language combinations.
Courses that belong to a different master¹s programme than ³Linguistics and Literature", including master¹s programmes organised by another Faculty, will first have to be approved by the Education Board.