Study programme
In the academic year 2022-2023 the first year of the new programme is organised and for the last time the second year of the old programme. In 2023-2024 the full new programme with the different majors will be up and running.
Model Path Part 1
60 ECTS-credits
Heritage Paradigm and Frames
15 ECTS-credits
Heritage: Global and European Frames
Heritage: Genealogies and Precursors
Heritage: Policy and Legal Aspects
Heritage: Critical Studies
Heritage: Climate and Sustainability
Heritage Domains
18 ECTS-credits
Built Heritage
Heritage: Landscapes
Museums, Archives and Libraries: Collections and Memory Institutions
Intangible Heritage
Digital Heritage
Methods of 21st Century Heritage Work: Arches Toolkit
12 ECTS-credits
Heritage: Participatory Methods, Democratisation and Stakeholders
Heritage: Basic Principles in Preventive Conservation
Heritage: a Methodological Arches Toolkit
Elective Courses
15 ECTS-credits
Students choose courses for a total of 15 ECTS-credits from the list below or from the list of majors in the second Master of Heritage Studies .
Or students choose a course from another master's program offered within the Universiteit Antwerpen.
For each course that isn't part of the master of Heritage Studies , students must request approval via the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see website UAntwerpen - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen > studeren en onderwijs > formulieren).
Heritage: Crime
Genetic Heritage
International Design Workshop M1
Summer School
Heritage and Tourism
Studio Cultural Brokerage
Architectural Criticism
Theory of Urban Design
Collective learning in organisations
Management and Strategic Leadership of a Professional Organisation
Methods and techniques for Interdisciplinary Research
Management and organisation
Visual Art
Content Analysis
Sociology of Science and Knowledge
Theory of Historical Knowledge
I-Sustainable Construction
Elective Courses Major 'Built Heritage'
15 ECTS-credits
If students wish to follow the major 'Built Heritage' in the second master of Heritage Studies, students are required to take the elective courses listed below.
Heritage: Materials and Degradation
Research on the history of buildings
Historical Interiors, Styles and Furniture
Model Path Part 2
60 ECTS-credits
Transdisciplinary Project, 6 ECTS-credits - Master's Project Portfolio, 30 ECTS-credits - choose one Major, 24 ECTS-credits
Transdisciplinary Project
6 ECTS-credits
Transdisciplinary Oriented Project
Master's Project Portfolio
30 ECTS-credits
Master Dissertation
- Kristel De Vis
- Stefanie Bauvois
- Griet Blanckaert
- Vincent Cattersel
- Noortje Cools
- Niels Dabaut
- Tim De Kock
- Sophie Elpers
- Yonca Erkan
- Piraye Hacigüzeller
- Marc Jacobs
- Maarten Larmuseau
- Philippe Lemineur
- Davine Maesen
- Andrea Marchetti
- Ulrike Müller
- Natalia Ortega Saez
- Lucy 't Hart
- Suzie Thomas
- Bhumi Vanderheyden
- Geert Van der Snickt
- Gerrit Verhoeven
- Hélène Verreyke
Intervision Seminar
Major Built Heritage
12 ECTS-credits compulsory
Multiple Layers of Built Heritage
Built heritage: preserving through change
12 ECTS-credits elective
Students choose courses for a total of 12 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Or students choose, in function of the master thesis, one or more courses from another Major or another master program of the University of Antwerp.
For each course unit that is not from the list below, students must request approval by using the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see website UAntwerpen - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen > studeren en onderwijs > formulieren).
Degradation and Intervention
Studio Cultural Brokerage
Heritage and Tourism
Public Archaeology
Archaeological Site Management
Heritage: Policy Capita Selecta
Visual Art
Interpretation, Mediation and Engaging Stakeholders
World Heritage and Site Management
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Summer School
Major Heritage Nature and Landscapes
12 ECTS-credits compulsory
Geomorphology of the cultural landscape
Landscape Analysis and Synthesis
Interpretation, Mediation and Engaging Stakeholders
12 ECTS-credits elective
Students choose courses for a total of 12 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Or students choose, in function of the master thesis, one or more courses from another Major or from another master program of the University of Antwerp.
For each course unit that is not from the list below, students must request approval by using the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see website UAntwerpen - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen > studeren en onderwijs > formulieren).
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Biodiversity Restoration
Genetic Heritage
Studio Cultural Brokerage
Heritage and Tourism
Heritage: Policy Capita Selecta
Public Archaeology
Archaeological Site Management
Research on the history of buildings
Heritage: Materials and Degradation
World Heritage and Site Management
Heritage: Machine Learning
Summer School
Major Archaeological Heritage
12 ECTS-credits compulsory
Public Archaeology
Archaeological Site Management
Heritage: Machine Learning
Interpretation, Mediation and Engaging Stakeholders
12 ECTS-credits elective
Students choose courses for a total of 12 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Or students choose, in function of the master thesis, one or more courses from another Major or from another master program of the University of Antwerp.
For each course unit that is not from the list below, students must request approval by using the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see website UAntwerpen - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen > studeren en onderwijs > formulieren).
Genetic Heritage
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Multiple Layers of Built Heritage
Heritage: Policy Capita Selecta
Studio Cultural Brokerage
Heritage and Tourism
Landscape Analysis and Synthesis
Research on the history of buildings
Heritage: Materials and Degradation
Historical Interiors, Styles and Furniture
World Heritage and Site Management
Summer School
Major Museum Studies
12 ECTS-credits compulsory
Museum Studies
Principles and Practices of Collection en Storage Management
Interpretation, Mediation and Engaging Stakeholders
12 ECTS-credits elective
Students choose courses for a total of 12 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Or students choose, in function of the master thesis, one or more courses from another Major or from another master program of the University of Antwerp.
For each course unit that is not from the list below, students must request approval by using the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see website UAntwerpen - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen > studeren en onderwijs > formulieren).
Heritage and Tourism
Frontiers of Preventive Conservation
Archival Science: basic skills, concepts and theories
Media Archaeology
Studio Cultural Brokerage
Heritage: Policy Capita Selecta
Public Archaeology
Archaeological Site Management
Advanced Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage
Research on the history of buildings
Heritage: Materials and Degradation
Historical Interiors, Styles and Furniture
Visual Art
Heritage: Crime
Summer School
Major Digital Heritage
12 ECTS-credits compulsory
Heritage: Machine Learning
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Repertoire: from Popular Culture to Cyberculture
Interpretation, Mediation and Engaging Stakeholders
12 ECTS-credits elective
Students choose courses for a total of 12 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Or students choose, in function of the master thesis, one or more courses from another Major or from another master program of the University of Antwerp.
For each course unit that is not from the list below, students must request approval by using the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see website UAntwerpen - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen > studeren en onderwijs > formulieren).
Humanities Data Analysis
Machine Learning
Text as Data II
Heritage: Policy Capita Selecta
Media Archaeology
Principles and Practices of Collection en Storage Management
Research on the history of buildings
Visual Art
Genetic Heritage
Summer School
Major Safeguarding Intangible Heritage and Ethnology
12 ECTS-credits compulsory
Advanced Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage
Interpretation, Mediation and Engaging Stakeholders
Repertoire: from Popular Culture to Cyberculture
12 ECTS-credits elective
Students choose courses for a total of 12 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Or students choose one or more courses in function of the Master's thesis from another Major or students choose a course from another master's degree offered within the Universiteit Antwerpen.
To request a course that isn't part of the list below, please use the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see website UAntwerpen - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen > studeren en onderwijs > formulieren).
Heritage and Tourism
Media Archaeology
Studio Cultural Brokerage
Public Archaeology
Heritage: Machine Learning
Genetic Heritage
Summer School Arts and Media Archaeology
- Elisaveta Seghers
- Nele Wynants
Principles and Practices of Collection en Storage Management
Heritage: Policy Capita Selecta
Popular Culture and Diversity
Master Seminar: Secularization and Disenchantment
Summer School
Major Archivistics
12 ECTS-credits compulsory
Management and legislation in the archival sector
Digitization and digital-born archives
Archival Science: basic skills, concepts and theories
12 ECTS-credits elective
Students choose courses for a total of 12 ECTS-credits from the list below. For students following the major in Archivistics the course Archives and their Cultural Heritage Function is a compulsory choice.
Or students choose one or more courses in function of the Master's thesis from another Major or students choose a course from another master's degree offered within the Universiteit Antwerpen.
To request a course that isn't part of the list below, please use the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see website UAntwerpen - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen > studeren en onderwijs > formulieren).
Archives and their Cultural Heritage Functions
Heritage: Machine Learning
Studio Cultural Brokerage
Text as Data II
Media Archaeology
Heritage and Tourism
Research on the history of buildings
Historical Interiors, Styles and Furniture
Visual Art
Genetic Heritage
Heritage: Policy Capita Selecta
Summer School
Major (Heritage) Libraries
12 ECTS-credits compulsory
Principles and Practices of Collection en Storage Management
12 ECTS-credits elective
Students choose courses for a total of 12 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Or students choose one or more courses in function of the Master's thesis from another Major or students choose a course from another master's degree offered within the Universiteit Antwerpen.
To request a course that isn't part of the list below, please use the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see website UAntwerpen - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen > studeren en onderwijs > formulieren).
Archives and their Cultural Heritage Functions
Heritage: Machine Learning
Studio Cultural Brokerage
Text as Data II
Media Archaeology
Heritage and Tourism
Research on the history of buildings
Historical Interiors, Styles and Furniture
Visual Art
Genetic Heritage
Heritage: Policy Capita Selecta
Archival Science: basic skills, concepts and theories
Summer School
Major Heritage Policy and Management
12 ECTS-credits compulsory
Students select the courses from the list below + 6 ECTS-credits from the compulsory courses from other Majors of Heritage Studies.
Heritage: Policy Capita Selecta
Interpretation, Mediation and Engaging Stakeholders
12 ECTS-credits elective
Students choose courses for a total of 12 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Or students choose one or more courses in function of the Master's thesis from another Major or students choose a course from another master's degree offered within the Universiteit Antwerpen.
To request a course that isn't part of the list below, please use the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see website UAntwerpen - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen > studeren en onderwijs > formulieren).
Heritage and Tourism
Studio Cultural Brokerage
Built heritage: preserving through change
Landscape Analysis and Synthesis
Principles and Practices of Collection en Storage Management
Public Archaeology
Archaeological Site Management
Heritage: Crime
Advanced Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage
Genetic Heritage
Research on the history of buildings
Historical Interiors, Styles and Furniture
Visual Art
Heritage: Machine Learning
World Heritage and Site Management
Summer School
Major Heritage Conservation of Complex Objects
12 ECTS-credits compulsory
Only students with a Master's degree in Conservation-Restoration can follow this Major.
Research and Practice Complex Objects I
12 ECTS-credits elective
Students choose courses for a total of 12 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Or students choose one or more courses in function of the Master's thesis from another Major or students choose a course from another master's degree offered within the Universiteit Antwerpen.
To request a course that isn't part of the list below, please use the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see website UAntwerpen - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen > studeren en onderwijs > formulieren).
Museum Studies
Principles and Practices of Collection en Storage Management
Heritage: Policy Capita Selecta
Interpretation, Mediation and Engaging Stakeholders
Heritage: Crime
Heritage and Tourism
Studio Cultural Brokerage
Heritage: Machine Learning
Text as Data II
Genetic Heritage
Archaeological Site Management
Historical Interiors, Styles and Furniture
Advanced Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage
Research and Practice Complex Objects II
Summer School
Model Path Part 1
60 ECTS-credits
Heritage Paradigm and Frames
15 ECTS-credits
Heritage: Global and European Frames
Heritage: Genealogies and Precursors
Heritage: Policy and Legal Aspects
Heritage: Critical Studies
Heritage: Climate and Sustainability
Heritage Domains
18 ECTS-credits
Built Heritage
Heritage: Landscapes
Museums, Archives and Libraries: Collections and Memory Institutions
Intangible Heritage
Digital Heritage
Methods of 21st Century Heritage Work: Arches Toolkit
12 ECTS-credits
Heritage: Participatory Methods, Democratisation and Stakeholders
Heritage: Basic Principles in Preventive Conservation
- Hélène Verreyke
- Benedicte Dierickx
Heritage: a Methodological Arches Toolkit
Elective Courses
15 ECTS-credits
Students choose courses for a total of 15 ECTS-credits from the list below or from the list of majors in the second Master of Heritage Studies .
Or students choose a course from another master's program offered within the Universiteit Antwerpen.
For each course that isn't part of the master of Heritage Studies , students must request approval via the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see website UAntwerpen - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen > studeren en onderwijs > formulieren).
Heritage: Crime
Genetic Heritage
International Design Workshop M1
Summer School
Heritage and Tourism
Studio Cultural Brokerage
Architectural Criticism
Theory of Urban Design
Collective learning in organisations
Management and Strategic Leadership of a Professional Organisation
Methods and techniques for Interdisciplinary Research
Management and organisation
Visual Art
Content Analysis
Sociology of Science and Knowledge
Theory of Historical Knowledge
I-Sustainable Construction
- Matthias Buyle
- Oskar Seuntjens
Elective Courses Major 'Built Heritage'
15 ECTS-credits
If students wish to follow the major 'Built Heritage' in the second master of Heritage Studies, students are required to take the elective courses listed below.
Heritage: Materials and Degradation
Built Heritage Research
Historical Interiors, Styles and Furniture
Elective Courses Major 'Documentary Heritage: Archive Sciences and Libraries'
6 ECTS-credits+ supplement up to 15 ECTS-credits
If students wish to follow the major 'Documentary Heritage: Archive Sciences and Libraries' in the second master of Heritage Studies, students must choose one of the elective courses below, depending on the offer and supplement up to 15 credits with other elective courses.
Heritage: Archives
Model Path Part 2
60 ECTS-credits
Transdisciplinary Project, 6 ECTS-credits - Master's Project Portfolio, 30 ECTS-credits - choose one Major, 24 ECTS-credits
Transdisciplinary Project
6 ECTS-credits
Transdisciplinary Oriented Project
Master's Project Portfolio
30 ECTS-credits
Master Dissertation
Intervision Seminar
Major Built Heritage
12 ECTS-credits compulsory
Multiple Layers of Built Heritage
Diagnosis, Decision-making and Assessment
Strategy Design, Intervention Philosophy and Project Coordination
12 ECTS-credits elective
Students choose courses for a total of 12 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Or students choose, in function of the master thesis, one or more courses from another Major or another master program of the University of Antwerp.
For each course unit that is not from the list below, students must request approval by using the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see website UAntwerpen - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen > studeren en onderwijs > formulieren).
Degradation and Intervention
Studio Cultural Brokerage
Heritage and Tourism
Public Archaeology
Archaeological Site Management
Heritage: Policy Capita Selecta
Visual Art
Interpretation, Mediation and Engaging Stakeholders
World Heritage and Site Management
Geographic Information System (GIS)
Major Heritage Nature and Landscapes
12 ECTS-credits compulsory
Geomorphosites: Processes and Resources
Landscape Analysis and Synthesis
Interpretation, Mediation and Engaging Stakeholders
12 ECTS-credits elective
Students choose courses for a total of 12 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Or students choose, in function of the master thesis, one or more courses from another Major or from another master program of the University of Antwerp.
For each course unit that is not from the list below, students must request approval by using the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see website UAntwerpen - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen > studeren en onderwijs > formulieren).
Geographic Information System (GIS)
Biodiversity Restoration
Genetic Heritage
Studio Cultural Brokerage
Heritage and Tourism
Heritage: Policy Capita Selecta
Public Archaeology
Archaeological Site Management
Built Heritage Research
Heritage: Materials and Degradation
Archeological Approaches to Landscapes
- - NNB
Landscape Archaeology
- - NNB
World Heritage and Site Management
Metadata, Linked Data and Semantic Web Technologies for Heritage
Major Archaeological Heritage
12 ECTS-credits compulsory
Public Archaeology
Archaeological Site Management
Metadata, Linked Data and Semantic Web Technologies for Heritage
Interpretation, Mediation and Engaging Stakeholders
12 ECTS-credits elective
Students choose courses for a total of 12 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Or students choose, in function of the master thesis, one or more courses from another Major or from another master program of the University of Antwerp.
For each course unit that is not from the list below, students must request approval by using the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see website UAntwerpen - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen > studeren en onderwijs > formulieren).
Archaeological Methods and Theory
- - NNB
Genetic Heritage
Geographic Information System (GIS)
Multiple Layers of Built Heritage
Heritage: Policy Capita Selecta
Studio Cultural Brokerage
Heritage and Tourism
Landscape Analysis and Synthesis
Archeological Approaches to Landscapes
- - NNB
Archaeological Science
- - NNB
Built Heritage Research
Heritage: Materials and Degradation
Historical Interiors, Styles and Furniture
World Heritage and Site Management
Major Museum Studies
12 ECTS-credits compulsory
Museum Studies
Principles and Practices of Collection en Depot Management
- Hélène Verreyke
- Benedicte Dierickx
Interpretation, Mediation and Engaging Stakeholders
12 ECTS-credits elective
Students choose courses for a total of 12 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Or students choose, in function of the master thesis, one or more courses from another Major or from another master program of the University of Antwerp.
For each course unit that is not from the list below, students must request approval by using the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see website UAntwerpen - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen > studeren en onderwijs > formulieren).
Heritage and Tourism
Frontiers of Preventive Conservation
Heritage: Archives
Media Archaeology
- Kurt Vanhoutte
- Benjamin Verhoeven
- Leen Engelen
New Technologies for Public Engagement
- - NNB
Studio Cultural Brokerage
Heritage: Policy Capita Selecta
Public Archaeology
Archaeological Site Management
Advanced Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage
Built Heritage Research
Heritage: Materials and Degradation
Historical Interiors, Styles and Furniture
Visual Art
Heritage: Crime
Major Digital Heritage
12 ECTS-credits compulsory
Metadata, Linked Data and Semantic Web Technologies for Heritage
Geographic Information System (GIS)
Repertoire: from Folk Culture to Cyber Culture
Interpretation, Mediation and Engaging Stakeholders
12 ECTS-credits elective
Students choose courses for a total of 12 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Or students choose, in function of the master thesis, one or more courses from another Major or from another master program of the University of Antwerp.
For each course unit that is not from the list below, students must request approval by using the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see website UAntwerpen - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen > studeren en onderwijs > formulieren).
Text as Data
Humanities Data Analysis
Machine Learning
Text as Data II
Heritage: Policy Capita Selecta
Media Archaeology
- Kurt Vanhoutte
- Benjamin Verhoeven
- Leen Engelen
Principles and Practices of Collection en Depot Management
- Hélène Verreyke
- Benedicte Dierickx
Built Heritage Research
Visual Art
Genetic Heritage
Major Safeguarding Intangible Heritage and Ethnology
12 ECTS-credits compulsory
Advanced Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage
Interpretation, Mediation and Engaging Stakeholders
Repertoire: from Folk Culture to Cyber Culture
12 ECTS-credits elective
Students choose courses for a total of 12 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Or students choose one or more courses in function of the Master's thesis from another Major or students choose a course from another master's degree offered within the Universiteit Antwerpen.
To request a course that isn't part of the list below, please use the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see website UAntwerpen - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen > studeren en onderwijs > formulieren).
Heritage and Tourism
Media Archaeology
- Kurt Vanhoutte
- Benjamin Verhoeven
- Leen Engelen
Studio Cultural Brokerage
Public Archaeology
Metadata, Linked Data and Semantic Web Technologies for Heritage
Genetic Heritage
Arts and Media Archeology: Performing, Science, Mediating Knowledge - Summer School
Principles and Practices of Collection en Depot Management
- Hélène Verreyke
- Benedicte Dierickx
Heritage: Policy Capita Selecta
Popular Culture and Diversity
Master Seminar: Secularization and Disenchantment
Major Documentary Heritage: Archive Sciences and Libraries
12 ECTS-credits compulsory
Principles and Practices of Collection en Depot Management
- Hélène Verreyke
- Benedicte Dierickx
Interpretation, Mediation and Engaging Stakeholders
Archives: Theory and Methodology
12 ECTS-credits elective
Students choose courses for a total of 12 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Or students choose one or more courses in function of the Master's thesis from another Major or students choose a course from another master's degree offered within the Universiteit Antwerpen.
To request a course that isn't part of the list below, please use the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see website UAntwerpen - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen > studeren en onderwijs > formulieren).
Metadata, Linked Data and Semantic Web Technologies for Heritage
Studio Cultural Brokerage
Text as Data II
Media Archaeology
- Kurt Vanhoutte
- Benjamin Verhoeven
- Leen Engelen
Heritage and Tourism
Built Heritage Research
Historical Interiors, Styles and Furniture
Visual Art
Genetic Heritage
Heritage: Policy Capita Selecta
Heritage: Archives
Major Heritage Policy and Management
12 ECTS-credits compulsory
Students select the courses from the list below + 6 ECTS-credits from the compulsory courses from other Majors of Heritage Studies.
Heritage: Policy Capita Selecta
Interpretation, Mediation and Engaging Stakeholders
12 ECTS-credits elective
Students choose courses for a total of 12 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Or students choose one or more courses in function of the Master's thesis from another Major or students choose a course from another master's degree offered within the Universiteit Antwerpen.
To request a course that isn't part of the list below, please use the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see website UAntwerpen - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen > studeren en onderwijs > formulieren).
Heritage and Tourism
Studio Cultural Brokerage
Diagnosis, Decision-making and Assessment
Strategy Design, Intervention Philosophy and Project Coordination
Landscape Analysis and Synthesis
Principles and Practices of Collection en Depot Management
- Hélène Verreyke
- Benedicte Dierickx
Public Archaeology
Archaeological Site Management
Heritage: Crime
Advanced Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage
Genetic Heritage
Built Heritage Research
Historical Interiors, Styles and Furniture
Visual Art
Metadata, Linked Data and Semantic Web Technologies for Heritage
World Heritage and Site Management
Major Heritage Conservation of Complex Objects
12 ECTS-credits compulsory
Practicum Research Complex Objects
Practicum Complex Objects
12 ECTS-credits elective
Students choose courses for a total of 12 ECTS-credits from the list below.
Or students choose one or more courses in function of the Master's thesis from another Major or students choose a course from another master's degree offered within the Universiteit Antwerpen.
To request a course that isn't part of the list below, please use the form 'aanvraag keuzeopleidingsonderdeel van een UA-opleiding' (see website UAntwerpen - Faculteit Ontwerpwetenschappen > studeren en onderwijs > formulieren).
Museum Studies
Principles and Practices of Collection en Depot Management
- Hélène Verreyke
- Benedicte Dierickx
Heritage: Policy Capita Selecta
Interpretation, Mediation and Engaging Stakeholders
Heritage: Crime
Heritage and Tourism
Studio Cultural Brokerage
Metadata, Linked Data and Semantic Web Technologies for Heritage
Text as Data II
Genetic Heritage
Archaeological Site Management
Historical Interiors, Styles and Furniture
Advanced Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage
Model Path Part 1
60 ECTS-credits
Heritage Paradigm and Frames
15 ECTS-credits
Heritage: an Introduction
Heritage: Genealogies and Precursors
Heritage: Policy and Legal Aspects
Heritage: Critical Studies
Heritage: Climate and Sustainability
Heritage Domains
18 ECTS-credits