Rework all photos to ensure quality, sharpness and high resolution

The new responsive design means that images are seamlessly displayed on all screen sizes. 

This requires high-resolution images. Since images cannot be edited in Webadmin, editors will need to use external image editing software.

Image editing in Canva

​Looking for the UAntwerp templates for the web header, call to action and carousel? Or would you like to display an image alongside a text element?

The UAntwerp web editing team has uploaded website templates and much more to the Canva graphic design platform. Here you'll find all the tools you need to edit photos quickly and easily and to save them properly.

Canva steps 

Quick photo editing

  • MS Paint 
    For the time being, you can still use Microsoft Paint, a standard program in Windows 10, for basic image editing.   
  • Sprout Social 
    The free online Sprout Social image resizing tool helps you optimise images for social media in a few clicks, but you can also use it to crop and scale images. Go to Sprout Social
  • Adobe Photoshop
    Are you the proud owner of Adobe Photoshop? Then you can always request the basic web templates for the various webparts by sending an email to
    Contact Nik Römer with specific formatting requests