All Aboard, 20 jaar internationalisering, een terugblik en vooruitblik! 

Wij nodigen je graag uit voor All Aboard, het jaarlijks netwerk- en beleidsevent voor UAntwerpen medewerkers met interesse voor internationalisering

Een feestelijke editie die zal plaatsvinden op dinsdag 23 april, in het Hof van Liere, Stadscampus, van 12:00 tot 17:30.

We blikken terug op succesvolle verhalen uit het verleden, zoomen in op het heden, maar kijken vooral vooruit naar de toekomst. 

We brengen het verleden visueel in beeld op deze website en via een postertentoonstelling de dag zelf. De namiddag staat inhoudelijk in het teken van de toekomst van internationalisering: we wisselen van gedachten, laten ons inpsireren door twee externe gastsprekers en luisteren hoopvol naar onze beleidsmakers. De keynotes kunnen live, maar ook online gevolgd worden.


12.00-13.00 uur: Onthaal en netwerklunch

13.00-13.15 uur: Verwelkoming door rector Herman Van Goethem en vicerector Filip Lardon (live + online) (Tassiszaal)

13.15-14.00 uur: Keynote Hans de Wit "Critical reflections on the development and meaning of internationalization of higher education, lessons from the past and directions for the future" (live + online, voertaal Engels) (Tassiszaal)

Keynote Hans de Wit "Critical reflections on the development and meaning of internationalization of higher education, lessons from the past and directions for the future"

​'Internationalization' over the past 40-50 years has become a key strategic agenda for institutions of higher education in Europe and elsewhere. What do we mean by 'internationalization of higher education'? What are the main characteristics of international higher education and how have they impacted and are impacting internationalization policies and strategies? What have been the key trends, main challenges and opportunities, and shifting paradigms over the past decades? Where do we stand in Europe and globally? And what are the main obstacles and needed solutions for a socially responsible internationalization for the future, in the context of the three missions of universities: education, research and service?

Hans De Wit is Professor Emeritus, Distinguished Fellow, and former director of the Boston College ‘Center for International Higher Education’ (CIHE). He is a Senior Fellow of the International Association of Universities (IAU). He was director ‘Centre for Higher Education Internationalisation’ (CHEI) in Milan, and Professor of Internationalization of HE Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.  He is Founding member/past president European Association for International Education, founding Editor ‘Journal of Studies in International Education’, and consulting Editor Policy Reviews in Higher Education. He has published many books, articles and blogs on internationalization of higher education and advised institutions, agencies, governments and international organizations such as the European commission and Parliament, UNESCO, World Bank and OECD.

14.00-15.30 uur: Keuze uit 3 parallelsessies (enkel live)​

Sessie 1: Van bachelor student tot doctorandus: Internationale mobiliteit op elk universitair niveau (Voertaal Nederlands)

Het bevorderen van internationale studentenmobiliteit is een belangrijke pijler binnen het internationaliseringsbeleid van de Universiteit Antwerpen. Hoewel velen vertrouwd zijn met de traditionele studentenuitwisselingen via het Erasmus-programma, zijn er ook andere wegen om internationale competenties te ontwikkelen. Tijdens deze sessie verkennen we verschillende mobiliteitsmogelijkheden, waaronder virtuele uitwisselingsprogramma's binnen het YUFE-netwerk, korte mobiliteitsprogramma's, uitwisselingen naar het globale zuiden en mobiliteitskansen binnen PhD-opleidingen.

Sprekers: Li Heyl (Stafmedewerker YUFE), Fien Nyssen (Faculteit Business and Economics), Jana Cuyvers (Antwerp Doctoral School) en Karolien van Dessel (Antwerp Doctoral School), Sebastian Van Hoeck (Global Engagement Officer)

Locatie: Elsschotzaal

Sessie 2: Expanding Horizons: Transforming our Study Programmes from English to International (Voertaal Engels)

This session focuses on what constitutes an international programme. We'll shed light on best practices and foster a dialogue about what it truly means. Throughout, we'll explore methods for promoting a global perspective in the curriculum, the advantages of incorporating a mobility window, strategies for organising a Blended Intense Programme, and navigating the YUFE student journey.

Sprekers: Sebastian Van Hoeck (U&S, global engagement officer), Sara Dewachter (IOB), Les de Vries (internationaliseringscoördinator FTI), Helena Ooms (beleidsmedewerker departement Onderwijs) Moderator: Wannes Gijsels (Beleidsmedewerker alternatieve Internationaliseringsvormen)

Locatie: Prentenkabinet

Sessie 3: Supporting the International Journey – the User Perspective (Voertaal Engels)

The journey of internationals at our university starts long before they arrive in Antwerp and ends long after they leave the university. Along the way, they need a variety of information, facilities and services to support and enhance their international experience. In this engaging panel discussion, we will hear first-hand accounts from very distinct perspectives – that of a student, a PhD researcher, and a staff member. Come discover our user panel’s unique experiences and hear their suggestions for optimising support systems at the university. 

Sprekers: Kristel De Poorter (medewerker Antwerp Doctoral School), Karla Tersago (diensthoofd Antwerp Doctoral School), Parul Goel (coördinator, International Students Office), Lotte Coenen (medewerker International Staff Office), Moderator: ​Pieter Spooren (domeincoördinator-diensthoofd onderzoeksaangelegenheden) 


  • Veronica Barbosa, 2nd year Master Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, Mexico 
  • Raul Cuervo, PhD Researcher ID Lab, Applied Engineering, Cuba
  • Lilian Wanyony, 1st year PhD Researcher, Applied Economics, Kenya
  • Kerry Mullan, 2nd year Post-Doctoral, department of Computer Science, Australië

Locatie: Tassiszaal

15.30-16.00 uur: Koffiepauze

16.00-16.35 uur: Keynote Omar Mohout "Internationalisation in times of extreme uncertainty" (live + online, voertaal Engels)

Keynote Omar Mohout "Internationalisation in times of extreme uncertainty"

​In our fast-evolving world, the dynamic shifts in markets and societal norms are a testament to unpredictability. Planning for the future might seem like a herculean task amidst such volatility, yet there's solace in one constant: the quickening pace of change. During this keynote, we'll explore key technological advancements that are currently reshaping our reality, particularly emphasizing their influence on internationalisation within the realms of education and research. Our aim is to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of these trends and their potential consequences, empowering you to face the forthcoming challenges with confidence.

Omar Mohout, Partner and Head of Digital at management consulting firm Nova Reperta, is a recognized expert in the technology and entrepreneurship fields. With a background as a technology entrepreneur, he advises companies on digital transformation and growth strategy. Mohout has written numerous books in the areas of entrepreneurship, innovation, and technology. He is an active columnist and speaker.

16.35-16.45 uur: Slotwoord door rector-elect Herwig Leirs (live + online, voertaal Engels)

16.45-17.30 uur: Receptie

Deadline om in te schrijven is 5 april.