Storage of specimens/aggregates is divided into four parts:

  • Before the experiment
  • During the experiment
  • After the experiment (but during the project)
  • After the project

Before the experiment

Depending on the experiment, before the experiment, aggregates are stored outside (in the white hangar) or inside (in the lab). Ask the lab manager/assistant for more information.

During the experiment

During the experiment, specimens/aggregates should have one fixed storage location. In all different steps of the experiment, it's possible that one particular step requires a different storage location (e.g. cutting asphalt specimens). Ask the lab manager/assistant for more information.

After the experiment

Specimens can be stored or thrown away after the experiment. First discuss with your promotor how different specimens should be treated after an experiment. When specimens need to be stored, ask the lab manager/assistant for more information.

After the project

Preferably most (or all) specimens are thrown away when a project is finished. In particular cases, it is possible to store specimens for a longer period. This requires specific storage boxes and a specific storage location. Ask the lab manager/assistant for more information.