For her doctoral research, Elke focused on the objectification of the determination of child support after a parental break-up, with specific attention for the shared care of children. As a post-doctoral researcher within the Centre for Population, Family and Health, she is currently working for the ERC Singleton project on singlehood among young adults. As a guest professor, Elke also teaches the courses Applied Multivariate Analysis and the Family Dynamics Lab, and as a part-time ZAP member the course Sociology within the bachelor's program in Social-Economic Sciences.


Statute & functions

Zelfstandig academisch pers.

  • assistant professor

Bijzonder academisch personeel

  • guest prof. external funds

Bijzonder academisch personeel

  • guest professor

Bijzonder academisch personeel

  • researcher

Admin. & techn. personeel

  • staff member

Internal mandates

expertenorgaan expertenmandaat

bestuursorgaan bestuursmandaat