Influence of the knitted abdominal scaffold test method on the hyperelastic constitutive model’s parameters
Biaxial tension test is a gold standard to test knitted abdominal scaffolds because it can approximately simulate conditions of the mesh operation when it is implanted in the abdominal wall. Two types of biaxial tests are used in the literature for these materials, force- or displacement-controlled. However, different parameters of a considered constitutive law are obtained, when identified based on differently driven tests. During the lecture, examples will be presented for implants with different anisotropy ratios. The influence of the experiment type on the identified parameters of the hyperelastic anisotropic constitutive law and subsequently, on the results of the FEM simulations of the implant behavior under ‘intra-abdominal’ pressure will be shown.
Professor of Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland, in structural mechanics. Graduated at GUT in the year 2002 in a specialty Bridges. PhD in 2007 in damage detection in structures, based on operational modal analysis. Habilitation in 2016 in mechanics, based on works related to biomechanical optimization of hernia treatment. Scientific interests in mechanics and biomechanics, specifically in constitutive modelling, soft tissue engineering, experimental mechanics, operational and experimental modal analysis, damage identification. Primary investigator in one EU project, co-investigator in 3 national projects, author and co-author of over 60 publications and industrial opinions.
Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Structural Mechanics
Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdańsk, Poland