What is Global health?
It is an area for study, research, and practice prioritizing improving health and achieving equity in health
- Emphasizes transnational health issues, determinants, and solutions;
- Involves many disciplines within and beyond health sciences and promotes interdisciplinary collaboration;
- Synthesises population-based prevention with individual-level clinical care
Interdisciplinary area calls for comprehensive solutions as there is a complex interplay beyond confines of a clinic.
Approach from multiple angles:
- Social sciences,
- Political sciences,
- Basic sciences,
- Data sciences,
- Technological sciences, etc
- In addition to (bio-)medical sciences
Improving health
Improving health is often thought of in physical or health care context, not only absence of illness, but also “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.” Improving health requires attention to all three these parts, as well as equal emphasis on prevention and care. (WHO 1948)
(Trans-)national Health: Infectious diseases, noncommunicable diseases & conditions affecting many populations. Climate change & pollution are health determinants affecting everyone, especially poor and vulnerable.
Achieving equity
Achieving equity means that everyone should have the opportunity to live a life that supports good health. However, vast differences in people’s environments, resources, & social statuses affect available choices.Achieving equity means addressing social and environmental determinants & eliminating disparities in health systems & health care access. Should be focused not only in far-away places, but also among vulnerable populations in Antwerp’s surrounding communities.
Global Health Institute
Established in 2015, the goal of the Global Health Institute is to conduct research to improve the health of people around the world, to build capacity for global health research, and to engage in the implementation and evaluation of evidence-based interventions for health problems affecting Resource Poor settings.

Education 2023
Education 2023
- Inleiding 'Internationale en Globale Ontwikkeling en Gezondheidszorg’ (Since 2010)
- Master Epidemiology (since 2012); Fellowships (since 2017)
- EBQ (since 2013); Fellowship (2014-21)
- Infectious Diseases Education Advanced Level Intensive Training for a nEw Reality (Since 2016)
- Next Generation Sequencing & Bioinformatics (since 2015)
- Epidemiology meets population genetics (since 2016)
- Master Global Health (since 2019)
- Summer school Pandemic Preparedness (since 2023)
- NCD short course (since 2023)
Service 2023

Impact & achievements
Impact & achievements (non exhaustive)
- Multidisciplinary & (social; bio-; medical data-sciences, omics,…)
- Mixed Methods (quantitative & qualitative RM)
- GHI secretariate (external funding) is key
- Developed StatUa core facility 2.0
- GHI members (in particular E. Vlieghe) contributed Academic/societal work in scientific advisory bodies for COVID-19 management (Honorary doctoral degree & other awards & prizes)
- Member coordinating comity of European Clinical Research Alliance on Infectious Diseases Foundation (ECRAID since 2022)
- WHO accepts link between onchocerciasis and epilepsy (OAE); Tanzania and South Sudan implement bi-annual community directed treatment with ivermectin in high prevalence OAE areas
- Policy decision that Intermittent Preventive (IPTsc) will be implemented in 1/3rd of Tanzania. Seldom a public health strategy goes from idea via research into practice in such a fast and smooth manner.
- GENPATH is assessing individualized treatment of MDR TB in SS Africa