With the Professional Star* YUFE focuses on fostering an entrepreneurial mindset through the development and strengthening of entrepreneurship and innovation competencies based on the Entrepreneurial Competence Framework.

YUFE has develloped the next Professional Star activities:

YUFE Entrepreneurial Training Programme

If you would you like to improve your knowledge and skills in innovation and entrepreneurship, this is the programme for you. 
The programme provides the following activities:

  • MOOCs – massive online open courses- in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (free courses from the best ranked universities in the field). Provide participants the possibility of acquiring the competences/skills of the EntreComp framework.
  • Talk Shows (organised by the YUFE universities). Allows the participant to learn from the experience and advice of an expert in a specific area and, also, promotes diversity, multiculturalism and inclusiveness.
  • YUFETHON (organized once a year - separate registration is required). Offers participants the opportunity to work online, collaborate with other participants and develop their ideas on a mission or objective related to innovation and entrepreneurship. It assesses the level of competence of the participants acquired in the tasks of this training. 

YUFE Challenge Teams

Intensive teamwork process to solve real social, scientific and technological challenges by providing a novel and innovative solution with a collaborative, multidisciplinary and multicultural approach.

(*) For more information on the YUFE Stars, visit the FAQ's on the YUFE website (scroll down to the 'YUFE Star System')