Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences

Vaccinology Master (LIVE)

Leading International Vaccinology Education

LIVE is a two-year Master programme for talented and motivated students interested in multidisciplinary studies in Vaccinology. It is a joint project between five European universities. Partners are Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and Université Jean-Monnet Saint-Etienne in France, and Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona and Universitat de Barcelona in Spain. Coordinator is Université de Lyon.

Academic internationality is enriched by a worldwide network of 13 academic universities from Brazil, China, Europe and the USA.

The LIVE programme provides students with an advanced understanding of immunology, infectiology, vaccinology, but also legislation, health policy and humanities around vaccinology. This prepares students for a professional international career, in big pharma vaccine manufacturers, in small and medium enterprises specialised in R&D of vaccines, or in organisations dealing with public health policy and research on vaccines. Graduates are also well prepared for doctorate research.

More information on the programme you can read on the website of the programme.