Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences

Start as a student

Find your way at our faculty

Welcome at our faculty! As soon as you're enrolled at UAntwerp you can start preparing your study at our faculty.

Activate your student account

After you are enrolled you get a student acocunt (log in + password). With that account you can log in on the student platform. 

More information on your student account.

Register your study programme in SisA (degree students only)

When enrolling for courses, you have to take into account a few things:

  • If you apply for a study visa/residence permit in Belgium, the government requires to take a full programme (min. 54 ECTS)
  • There are deadlines to respect: first semester courses can be changed until October 31st. We do however urge you to enroll for courses before the academic year starts.
  • Enroll your first and second semester courses at the beginning of the academic year ('Model Path Part 1' = 60 ECTS). In case you have bad results during the first examination period, and you want to reduce your programme, you can do so until February 28th. If you require a visa/residence permit you might be obliged to keep the full study programme. Do NOT enroll for the whole Master.
  • You have to enroll for your courses one for one. Registration in bulk is not possible.

After enrollment you see the lectures in your personal timetable in SisA. There might be a temporary timetable overlap when enrolling for practicals. Don't mind. As soon as all students are divided in practical groups, this overlap will disappear.

Watch the video tutorial about registering your study programme in SisA. During the Faculty Day, you also get a demo of SisA.

If you still have any questions, contact the Faculty's Student Administration via the Helpdesk for International Students.  

Find your way at Campus Drie Eiken

Campus Drie Eiken is a vast but beautiful green campus. Take your time to discover the campus. And join us for the campus tour at the Faculty Day

Map of the campus and travel directions

Can't you wait to discover the campus? Experience the 360° virtual tour of Campus Drie Eiken!

​Buy your syllabuses and books

To avoid long waiting (rows) at the beginning of the acaemic year, we advise you to buy your books and syllabuses before the start. You can always visit the campus shop, but it is preferable to order online in advance via The (online) course service is closed till 9 September 2024.

More information

Discover Campus Drie Eiken

360° virtual tour