Until the turning point arrives

We wrap the days

around us like a feather duvet

and whisper soft sounds

until hope has dozed off.

It is not yet known

how long she will hibernate this year.

We dare not dream too loudly,

painting in our heads

the world of tomorrow

in naked tones.

Diffident and timid the nights

seem to swiftly go by.

Until the next morning starts to awaken

and the time has come.

Until we notice how each second

once again becomes clearly audible.

How each tick of the clock starts to busily resonate

in the corridors of our hearts.

How together they are the turning point:

the voices that make the timidity fade to ashes

and that make us taste change on our tongues.

The people of yesterday and of tomorrow

who make the ground tremble beneath our feet

and are the inspiration

to this day.

Each and every one

who perpetually keeps their dreams

wide awake.

Translated by Heather Young