Project coördination

The co-ordination of the iCAREdata project is in the hands of the Executive Committee:

  • Stefaan Bartholomeeusen (co-ordinator, database-developer, data manager, senior researcher, general practitioner),
  • Hilde Philips (coordinator, senior researcher, general practitioner),
  • Cil Leytens (primary point of contact, administrative support)

iCAREdata Steering Committee

The Steering Committee meets monthly on the first Friday of the month. Their task is to supervise the project, divide tasks, and judge proposed research questions before forwarding them to the Scientific Advisory Board. The Steering Committee consists of the following members:

  • The Executive Committee
  • Paul Van Royen (promotor of the iCAREdata project)
  • Roy Remmen and Samuel Coenen (Co-Principal Investigators of the iCAREdata project)
  • Hilde Bastiaens (senior researcher)
  • Nico Carpriau (deputy fromr KAVA: Koninklijke Apothekers Vereniging Antwerpen, the Royal Association of Pharmacists in Antwerp)
  • Hanne Claessens (junior researcher)
  • Annelies Colliers (junior researcher)
  • Bernard De Ruyck (Representative from KAVA: Koninklijke Apothekers Vereniging Antwerpen, the Royal Association of Pharmacists in Antwerp)
  • Barbara Michiels (senior researcher)
  • Stefan Morreel (junior researcher, delegate from Wachtpost Antwerpen Oost, General Practitioner Cooperative of Antwerp-East)
  • Koen Monsieurs and Sabine Lemoyne (delegates from the Antwerp University Hospital, Emergency Department)
  • Ria de Soir and Jan Stroobants (delegates from the Emergency Departments of Gasthuis Zusters Antwerpen GZA and Ziekenhuis Netwerk Antwerpen ZNA)
  • Veronique Verhoeven (senior researcher)

Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board of iCAREdata is convened when a research question (which has already been declared admissible by the Steering Committee) has to be approved. It is the function of the Scientific Advisory Board to judge whether a research proposal can, and should be performed on the database. The decision is led by considering the relevance of the research question, and the legal, ethical and privacy rules. In addition, each partner must give permission to use the data they provided.  The tasks, composition and procedures of the Scientific Advisory Board are available at information for researchers’

The Scientific Advisory Board is also consulted on an ad hoc basis when a search question or project is proposed. This Board meets at least once a year. During this yearly meeting, the Steering Committee presents an the annual report detailing the past year’s activities.

The Scientific Advisory Board compromises of:

  • The promoter and co-promoters
  • The members of the Executive Committee
  • The members of the Steering Committee
  • A minimum of one representative from each partner