Your body material will be stored in the IBB-NeuroBiobank of the Born-Bunge Institute 

Campus Drie Eiken - University of Antwerp
Universiteitsplein 1

Your clinical data will be stored in the IBB-NeuroBiobank database of the Born-Bunge Institute .

This is a secure environment, in accordance with current Belgian and European legislation.

The following standard measures are taken to guarantee the security of your data:

  • Personal identifying data such as your name and date of birth are removed from any body material and reports, except when feedback is given to your treating physician.
  •  A unique code is assigned to each piece of body material.
  • The references of your body material and your data are kept in a strictly secured database. Layered restrictions are imposed on the staff of the IBB-NeuroBiobank. These restrictions are described in the IBB-NeuroBiobank quality manual that was submitted to and approved by the UZA/UAntwerp Medical Ethics Committee with reference 19/13/166.