Jouw ANtropometriSchE Nieuwe hoofd-JANSEN MOdel of a HumAn MEan shapeD head-MOHAMED

A thorough understanding of the human shape is required to incorporate new technology into high quality consumer goods. With the uprising of 3D scanning techniques, the opportunity arises to use accurate geometrical information of the human body for optimal fitting products and design high quality consumer goods and wearables. The problem is that the abundance of geometrical information contained in human shape models should be tuned to the needs and workflow of the product developer.
We made a colored 3D print of the mean human. Colors form a heat map that head with heat map technique to display variation. It is called MOHAMED (EN) or JANSEN (NL) for these are most frequent names.
We have constructed a shape model from 100 skuls retrieved from medical images (CT and MRI). Variation along the trajectory of corresponding points is displayed with heat maps and realized in a colored 3D print . The colors indicate the spatial variation on the mean head, increasing from blue to red. 

Research questions.

The hypothesis is that the physical model with visual indications of spatial variation, is suited to communicate the merits of shape models of the human body in product development.

More specific, this hypothesis entails two sub-hypotheses.

1) The design of contemporary wearables owe their functionality to close, precise and comfortable connection to the human body, for products based on monitoring of biological signals

2) 3D anthropometry in combination with parametric design techniques will enable design for mass customization.


The above hypotheses are important sub-problems in the domain of 3D anthropometry for product development. The model has initiated numerous R&D and research projects that provided at least partial answers.
Impact is consolidated through public-private collaborations, four A1 publications and several conference proceedings.
Detailed references can be found at the web-site of the research group.