Key focus Research and research capacity building in area of chicken and crop production and building proteinics and molecular genetics
  • The School of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is an internationally recognized centre for indigenous chicken and crop production, and the UL Biotechnology Unit is an internationally recognised centre for proteomics research and training
  • Improved knowledge on productive indigenous chicken breeds and indigenous crop varieties and the respective production and marketing methods that contribute to food security is transferred to the stakeholders. Improved knowledge on productive indigenous chicken breeds and indigenous crop varieties and the respective production and marketing methods that contribute to food security is transferred to the stakeholders.

This project oversees important research into indigenous chickens and crops. The nutrient requirements for the chickens, and the optimisation of agronomic and pest management practices for existing and potential indigenous crops, are being studied and put into practice in controlled conditions.
Additional support in this area will strengthen the internationally recognised work already being undertaken by Turfloop’s School of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences in indigenous chicken and crop production, climate change impact in cropping systems and the equally recognised research and training being offered in proteomics and molecular genetics by the Biotechnology Unit. In practical terms, research into the nutrient requirements for the optimal productivity of Venda chickens, and the optimisation of agronomic and pest management practices for existing and potential indigenous crops, has led to a series of socio-economic analyses of the feasibility of the improved practices emanating from the research.