Industrial Automation and Robotics

Within the Cosys-lab group, research is done in industrial automation and robotics. Industrial programmable logic controllers (PLC) are used to automate industrial processes. Industrial communication protocols are used to bring forward state-of-the-art industrial automation with the integration of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and manufacturing execution systems (MES) systems. Research is done on innovative technologies in soft robotics. Combinations of state-of-the-art cobots and magnetic levitation transport systems are implemented.
The current projects involve:
- Propulsion and biomimetic design in subsurface soft robotics
- X-planar magnetic levitation industrial transport system
- UR10 and Yumi ABB cobots
- Industrial robotics from Kuka, Panasonic and Annin Robotics
- For simulation and offline programming of industrial robots, software packages such as ABBStudio and RoboDK are used