
The team of historians started in 1998 with Professors Greta Devos and Helma Houtman-De Smedt. Hans Willems joined the team and obtained his PhD in 2006. Greta Devos retired the first of April 2008. Hans Willems joined the FWO in 2006. Hans Willems realised several publications among which a complete inventory of the Brussels Stock Exchange collection on companies. 

This inventory can be bought at the Belgian State Archives

Hans Willems has joined the national FWO-team in the meanwhile as secretary-general FWO 



Computer Sciences

The Oracle database of SCOB  has been designed according to the temporal database paradigm on top of a relational database. 

Specific input software has been (in house) designed and implemented in Java. Several output-modules were developed in house.

The database component of the SCOB database has been created under supervision from the Computer Scientist Department of the University of Antwerp, led by Prof.Dr. Jan Paredaens (who has retired by now). 

He was also responsible for the ADReM-group.