Due to its strong analytically oriented profile, the Toxicological Centre offers also a number of services in the field of Forensic Toxicology and Environmental Toxicology. All methods have an adequate quality control/quality assurance system. The following analyses are routinely performed in the frame of analytical services of the Toxicological Centre: 

1. POPs, flame retardants, and plasticizers in human, environmental (dust, sediment, soil) and biological matrices (tissues, food, insects for food and feed, fish oil, etc.):
The target analytes are the 7 ICES PCB congeners (28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, and 180), several organochlorine pesticides (pp-DDE, pp-DDT, HCH isomers, trans-chlordane, cis-chlordane, oxychlordane, trans-nonachlor, and HCB), PBDE congeners (28, 47, 99, 100, 153, 154, 183 and 209), α-, β-, γ-HBCD isomers, several organophosphorus flame retardants (including legacy: TCEP, TEHP, TBOEP, TPHP, EHDPHP, TCIPP, TDCIPP, TIBP, TNBP, TPTP, and emerging PFRs: V6, RDP, BDP), phthalates (DMP, DNBP, DIBP, BBP, DEHP), and alternative plasticizers (ATBC, DEHA, CDPHP, DEHT, TOTM, DINCH, DINP, DIDP).

2. BPA, triclosan and phthalate metabolites in urine:
Next to BPA and TCS, the following phthalate metabolites can be analyzed in urine: MEP, MnBP, MiBP, MEHP, 5HO-MEHP, 5oxo-MEHP and 5-COOH-MEHP.

3. Chlorinated paraffins (SCCP and MCCP) in food and dust

4. Illicit drugs in sewage:
Cocaine and metabolites, amphetamine, methamphetamine, MDMA, cannabis and metabolites, ketamine, mephedrone, methadone and metabolites can be analyzed in sewage. Also we can quantify a number of 20 most-prescribed/used pharmaceuticals in sewage.