"Guidance but not the ultimate commandment" : pros and cons of using pivot templates in the audio description production workflow
JoSTrans : the journal of specialised translation - ISSN 1740-357X-42 (2024) p. 155-173
What goes on behind the scenes? Exploring status perceptions, working conditions and job satisfaction of audio describers
Perspectives : studies in translatology - ISSN 0907-676X- (2024) p. 1-17
Building audiences for audio description: a case study from the Krakow Film Music Festival
The making of accessible audiovisual translation / Pena-Díaz, Carmen [edit.]-p. 35-58
Using annotated pivot templates to transfer culture specific references in audio description : translators’ performance, strategies, and attitudes
Perspectives : studies in translatology - ISSN 0907-676X- (2023) p. 1-17
Accessible government crisis communication : recommendations based on the case of COVID-19 in Belgium
The Routledge handbook of translation, interpreting and crisis / Declercq, C. [edit.]; Kerremans, K. [edit.]-p. 45-58