Research team


Analysing care processes and constructing an index of well-being.

Moratorium for residential care for elderly. 01/09/2010 - 31/10/2011


The aim of the research proposal is to develop a projection model of the number of patients in residential care in Belgium to 2025, building on state-of-art long-term care (LTC) projection methodology. Although the study concentrates on projections of residential home care, it also examines demand for and utilisation of home (nursing) care, as this is a potential substitute for residential care.


Research team(s)

    Project type(s)

    • Research Project

    "24h. zorgsteunpunt" within the Care Company Antwerp. 06/01/2010 - 31/12/2010


    Tje Social Service Authority of the City of Antwerp sets up a field experiment in order to test the idea of an 24-hours support facility for Long Term Care-clients. Research support is provided for a) surveying the needs of the prospective users b) the kind of services that can be brought forward to remediate their situation c) the organization of the ADL-support facility.


    Research team(s)

      Project type(s)

      • Research Project

      L'Aide au domicile des personnes fragiles en Allemagne, Belgique, Angleterre et Italie, une comparaison des régimes de care dans un contexte en profonde mutation. 17/12/2009 - 16/06/2012


      This project represents a formal research agreement between UA and on the other hand UCL. UA provides UCL research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.


      Research team(s)

        Project type(s)

        • Research Project

        Programming home care and elderly facilities. 01/10/2008 - 31/03/2009


        The Flemish department of Social Care is intending to renew the planning and regulation of the social care services for homecare situations. We will make an inventory of good foreign examples and we will try to adapt and implement them in the Flemish situation.


        Research team(s)

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project

          Sabbatical leave. 01/09/2008 - 30/06/2009


          In this research project we will investigate the dynamics of bottom up innovations in welfare societies, based on models from the organization theory . In particular, we want to investigate how new sectors originate and get structured into the fabric of different western welfare societies.


          Research team(s)

            Project type(s)

            • Research Project

            Evaluation of the convenant with VAPH. 01/04/2008 - 30/09/2008


            The governance of social service organizations was until now mainly a regulative approach but more and more new steering instruments come to the foreground. Here, extra capacity is distributed to residential services which they only can use for ambulatory work. In this research project we analyse the benefits and constraints for the end-users, the service delivering units and the governing body.


            Research team(s)

              Project website

              Project type(s)

              • Research Project

              The preparation and follow-up of the PGB experiments. 15/02/2008 - 31/05/2011


              Personal budget is a new policy instrument in the delivery and steering of social care services and is already widely used in many neigbouring countries. In this study an experimental design - control and experimental groups in two distinct places in Flanders- is used to see how people react and use their autonomy to build their own life situation . And how care supply react to this autonomous demand. We will look carefully to the divergent reactions of persons, groups and situations in order to learn where and when the new instrument is a better instrument for claimants, supply services and the government.


              Research team(s)

                Project type(s)

                • Research Project

                The crisis and reorientation of European welfare states since the 1970s: what consequences for income distribution, financial poverty and social exclusion? 01/01/2008 - 31/12/2014


                This project represents a research contract awarded by the University of Antwerp. The supervisor provides the Antwerp University research mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions stipulated by the university.


                Research team(s)

                Project type(s)

                • Research Project

                Policy Research Centre for the equal opportunities policy (2007-2011). 01/01/2007 - 31/12/2011


                The main specific objective of the initiative is to provide scientific research Input and support for the equal opportunities policy development and implementation of the Flemish government by developing multidisciplinary expertise and research potential in the area of equal opportunities policy in Flanders in a more integrated way. Another specific objective is to create a documentation and information centre and a contact point which serves a wide circle of direct and indirect beneficiaries in the field of equal opportunities policy.


                Research team(s)

                Project website

                Project type(s)

                • Research Project

                Health inquiry 65+. 01/09/2006 - 31/08/2008


                This research project on the health of elderly people in Belgium will explore the potential of the data from the National Health Interview Survey 2004 (HIS) as a source of information on the health of persons aged 65 years and over. Moreover, proposals will be formulated for further research concerning this age group based on the available data of the HIS 2004.


                Research team(s)

                  Project type(s)

                  • Research Project

                  Limits to homecare for frail elderly: the problem of "crowding in" versus "crowding out". 01/01/2006 - 31/12/2007


                  Home care for frail elderly is an ideal testsituation for researching the dynamics of the reciprocal relationship between formal and informal care. This relationship can be characterised either as "crowding out" or "crowding in" and will therefore be studied in a dynamic time perspective. Research results will be reported, prognostic instruments validated and policy suggestions formulated.


                  Research team(s)

                    Project type(s)

                    • Research Project

                    Center of excellence SOCIO. 01/01/2006 - 31/12/2007


                    Gelieve aan te vullen a.u.b.


                    Research team(s)

                    Project type(s)

                    • Research Project

                    Mapping the landscape of volunteer work in the welfare, health and culture sectors. 10/11/2005 - 15/01/2006



                    Research team(s)

                      Project type(s)

                      • Research Project

                      Social and economic impact of ageing in Flanders and Europe. How can policy at the Flemish level respond ? 01/04/2005 - 31/12/2009


                      The most important societal issues with which Flanders and Europe will be confronted in coming decades is the twofold ageing of the population. The three principal policy issues that arise in this context are: i) the manner in which the burden of population ageing should/can be distributed between and within generations; ii) the development of high-quality and affordable care support for all; iii) and the enhancement of participation by the elderly in economic, social, political and cultural life in order that the capital of experience, knowledge and skills that the elderly represent could be utilised maximally. As far as the Flemish policy level is concerned, all aspects of these problematic areas are relevant: policy on formal and informal care for the elderly, including the Flemish care insurance scheme, employment policy, tax policy, housing policy, sociocultural and educational policy and, as a context for all policy domains, the structure of income and expenditure distribution and particularly the position occupied by the weaker groups (who may be targets of specific provisions). Some important research has already been conducted into the socio-economic aspects of population ageing in Flanders, but often this research is insufficiently prospective and informative for policy purposes. Moreover, usually a European angle is lacking, even though Flemish policy can obviously draw lessons from developments in other European countries. We therefore propose to construct an interdisciplinary knowledge platform with a view to: -bringing together available expertise in Flanders in the field of policy-oriented research into the issue of population ageing; -collecting high-quality data for Flanders that allow comparison with other regions and countries in Europe; -developing research instruments and methods to analyse these data in dynamic perspective and to test policy alternatives for their economic and social efficiency.


                      Research team(s)

                        Project type(s)

                        • Research Project

                        15/12/2004 - 15/06/2005



                        Research team(s)

                          Project type(s)

                          • Research Project

                          15/12/2004 - 31/05/2005



                          Research team(s)

                            Project type(s)

                            • Research Project

                            Survey on Health, Aging and Retirement (SHARE). 01/10/2004 - 31/07/2006


                            The Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) is an ambitious project which collects data about Europeans aged 50 and older in order to shed light on one of the most dramatic challenges in the years to come - population ageing. The project is cross-national and interdisciplinary, which introduces considerable complexity and necessitates scientific and managerial innovations. SHARE is designed to foster better understanding of the complex interactions among economic, health, psychological and social factors that determine the quality of life of the elderly. The present project involves collecting SHARE data for Flanders, a region of Belgium.


                            Research team(s)

                            Project website

                            Project type(s)

                            • Research Project

                            15/10/2003 - 31/03/2004



                            Research team(s)

                              Project type(s)

                              • Research Project

                              01/10/2003 - 15/12/2003



                              Research team(s)

                                Project type(s)

                                • Research Project

                                Research into an alternative financing method for social care. 01/07/2003 - 31/03/2004



                                Research team(s)

                                  Project type(s)

                                  • Research Project

                                  Care as a new social risk: a study into the possibilities of transforming the Breadwinner Model into a Care-Oriented Policy for Household with children. 01/01/2003 - 31/12/2006


                                  In this project, we intend to study empirically how-given the high dependency rate (and thus cost) in social security, low labour market anticipation (esp. among the low skilled) and relatively high (net) minimum wages - the public and private markets for (child)care services can be expanded within existing budgetary restrictions and with maintenance (or improvement) of minimum incomes from work and benefits.


                                  Research team(s)

                                  Project type(s)

                                  • Research Project

                                  01/12/2002 - 31/05/2003



                                  Research team(s)

                                    Project type(s)

                                    • Research Project

                                    01/03/2002 - 30/04/2002



                                    Research team(s)

                                      Project type(s)

                                      • Research Project

                                      Planning for home care support services. 15/12/2001 - 31/07/2002



                                      Research team(s)

                                        Project type(s)

                                        • Research Project

                                        Care dependent elderly between home care and residential services. 01/12/2001 - 30/11/2002



                                        Research team(s)

                                          Project type(s)

                                          • Research Project

                                          Policy Research Centre for the equal opportunities policy. 01/10/2001 - 31/12/2006


                                          The main specific objective of the initiative is to provide scientific research input and support for the equal opportunities policy development and implementation of the Flemish government by developing multidisciplinary expertise and research potential in the area of equal opportunities policy in Flanders in a more integrated way. Another specific objective is to create a documentation and information centre and a contact point which serves a wide circle of direct and indirect beneficiaries in the field of equal opportunities policy.


                                          Research team(s)

                                          Project type(s)

                                          • Research Project

                                          Constructing an index on well-being. 15/07/2001 - 15/02/2002



                                          Research team(s)

                                            Project type(s)

                                            • Research Project

                                            Home care coordination plans and local service centers: prospects for cooperation. 01/03/2001 - 30/11/2001



                                            Research team(s)

                                              Project type(s)

                                              • Research Project

                                              An exploratory study concerning strategic planning of mental health services. The elaboration of a model. 01/02/2001 - 31/12/2002


                                              The aim of the study is the development of a model/methodology for the planning and controlling of the mental health servies. The necessity of a feasible methodology became obvious with the remodelling of the sector in the past. Which are the indicators one could base on for planning? Which is the appopriate level for the planning? In the first part of the study, one or more models will be elaborated which will be applied in the second part of the study.


                                              Research team(s)

                                                Project type(s)

                                                • Research Project

                                                The surplus value and bottle-necks of age barriers in Flemish regulations and their effect towards older persons. 01/01/2001 - 30/06/2002


                                                The aim of this project is to formulate a scientifically funded answer to the question to what extent age discrimination exists in Flemish society - and more precisely through Flemish regulations - as impeding a full participation and integration of elderly and where and how this discrimination is demonstrated. In a first part, the phenomenon of age discrimination is defined by means of a literature study. Our definition of age discrimination is the systematically unequal treatment of elderly vis-à-vis the younger ones in an unacceptable way. The second part consists of an inventory of the occurrence of age barriers concerning the older population in Flemish regulation in the domains of well-being, health, housing, culture, safety, mobility, employment and income. A historical and contemporary legitimisation is considered for every age barrier.


                                                Research team(s)

                                                  Project type(s)

                                                  • Research Project

                                                  Consumer Directed Care: experiences in 9 EU-member states and the United States. 15/12/2000 - 30/09/2001


                                                  recently, many countries have introduced consumer-directed care programs as a way to improve their long-term care system. In this study, consumer-directed programs in nine member-states of the European Union and in the United States are described and analysed. The consequences of consumer-directed care for care recipients, caregivers, agencies and the government are examined.


                                                  Research team(s)

                                                    Project type(s)

                                                    • Research Project

                                                    Initiatives for home-care co-ordination in Flanders. The well-being of the patients. 13/09/2000 - 31/03/2001


                                                    Since 1990, initiatives for home-care co-operation have been developed in Flanders. The aim of the research project is to determine which factors affect the well-being of the patients of these initiatives. Needs, characterisitics of the care received, as well as socio-demographic characteristics of the patients will be examined. Besides the patients' well-being, the research project will consider the well-being of the informal caregivers.


                                                    Research team(s)

                                                      Project type(s)

                                                      • Research Project

                                                      Sanctions in the Belgian unemployment insurance: an instrument for an activating welfare state? 01/01/2000 - 31/12/2001


                                                      This research project aims at an empirical investigation into the relation between unemployment insurance sanctions (cutting into benefits), searching behaviour, the transition rates from unemployment and the implications for income and poverty. Also the perceptioncs of the unemployed regarding the (complexity of) legislation and regarding the institutions involved in implementing unemployment insurance anre studied. The analysis is based on an unique dataset based on a survey among unemployed with and without sanctions (2750 cases).


                                                      • Promoter: Breda Jef
                                                      • Co-promoter: De Lathouwer Lieve

                                                      Research team(s)

                                                        Project type(s)

                                                        • Research Project

                                                        Evaluation of an alternative financing method for social care - continuation (see also P105/P0015, P00350,P00417) 01/01/2000 - 31/12/2000


                                                        In different countries alternative methods of financing social care are emerging. So there is f.e. a shift of the subsidy from the social care system to the users of care. The research assignment is to give advice on the design of an experiment with this method and to evaluate the experiment.


                                                        Research team(s)

                                                          Project type(s)

                                                          • Research Project

                                                          Additional assessment on the external cost of the implementation of a care insurance 01/01/2000 - 30/04/2000


                                                          The project is one in a series of preparatory studies on the introduction of social care insurance in Flanders. The study consists of three parts. The aim of the first part is to optimise estimations of the short-term external cost of sociale care insurance. To this end, data are collected on potential beneficiaries and expenses for non-medical care. The second part of the study focuses on future developments in terms of the cost of social care insurance. Among other things, the influences of demographic evolutions, changes in household composition and morbidity trends are assessed. The purpose of the third part is to examine the regional distribution of three types of social care in Flanders: residential, semi-residential and community services.


                                                          Research team(s)

                                                            Project type(s)

                                                            • Research Project

                                                            Workload in juvenile intake care systems//..(continuation of project nr. P105/P294 01/06/1999 - 30/09/1999


                                                            Two research objectives are sought.//..First of all we want to construct a taxonomy of cases e.g. combinations of different types of care activities. Second, we want to observe the requisite time for each of these activities. Together, they will form a database which we will use and explore for simulation exercices e.g. alternative ways of deploying the workfare in the juvenile care system.


                                                            Research team(s)

                                                              Project type(s)

                                                              • Research Project

                                                              Evaluation of an alternative financing method for social care 01/08/1998 - 31/12/1999


                                                              In different countries alternative methods of financing social care are emerging. So there is f.e. a shift of the subsidy from the social care system to the users of care. The research assignment is to give advice on the design of an experiment with this method and to evaluate the experiment.


                                                              Research team(s)

                                                                Project type(s)

                                                                • Research Project

                                                                Continuation of the experiment with an alternative financing method for social care (project nr. P105/P00015) 01/08/1998 - 31/12/1998


                                                                n different countries alternative methods of financing social care are emerging. So there is f.e. a shift of the subsidy from the social care system to the users of care. The research assignment is to give advice on the design of an experiment with this method and to evaluate the experiment. This project is a continuation of the one formerly registered under number P105/P00015


                                                                Research team(s)

                                                                  Project type(s)

                                                                  • Research Project

                                                                  Social Care Insurance for the Elderly 01/05/1998 - 30/09/1998


                                                                  We made an inventory of recent policy changes in three western European states concerning the degree of social insurance for elderly and their needed social care, e.g. in the Netherlands, Germany and England. Besides many similarities as well as differences there are also findings related to the effectiveness and efficiency of the distinct social care policies.


                                                                  Research team(s)

                                                                    Project type(s)

                                                                    • Research Project

                                                                    Workload in juvenile intake care systems 01/04/1998 - 31/05/1999


                                                                    Two research objectives are sought.//..First of all we want to construct a taxonomy of cases e.g. combinations of different types of care activities. Second, we want to observe the requisite time for each of these activities. Together, they will form a database which we will use and explore for simulation exercices e.g. alternative ways of deploying the workfare in the juvenile care system.


                                                                    Research team(s)

                                                                      Project type(s)

                                                                      • Research Project

                                                                      'The new social question' 01/01/1997 - 31/12/2001


                                                                      From an intellectual perspective , indications for the developments summed up above are still not connected. THE IUAP aims at the production of a coherent set of answers to the following questions: To what extent is there an interrelationship between the socioeconomic polarisation on the educational dimension; the limits of the present social protection arrangements; the emergence of the new ideological and political cleavages; the policies that are currently being pursed and the developments of policy utopias? Are the current social problems really substantially different from the problems in the past to speak of a new social question? Why are the instruments of the welfare state powerless with regard to the (new) social dividing lines? How should the re-orientation of the care schemes be envisages? What part can the old and new , social and political movements play in the re-orientation of the welfare state?


                                                                      Research team(s)

                                                                        Project type(s)

                                                                        • Research Project

                                                                        The structure and functionting of neigbourhood centers. 01/01/1997 - 31/03/1998


                                                                        In reaction to the functioning of first line social work organisation, new initiatives originated in very poor neigbourhoods with new socail work methods such as a very easy acces, a supply of many services and support, a strong orientation towards networking and collaboration. Our research project is not oriented towards this method-side but instead tries to posture an organisational diagnosis of internal and external problems as well as solutions for these problems.


                                                                        Research team(s)

                                                                          Project type(s)

                                                                          • Research Project

                                                                          Choice-conduct in problem solving. A theoretical study of the conduct of persons. 01/01/1996 - 31/12/1997


                                                                          This project will combine various theoretical views, concerning the choice conduct of people, in order to obtain a testable model which allows us to class the evolution of successive choices for care patterns in a consistent sociological explanatory model. This model will be tested on the (already present) empirical data from earlier studies concerning the demand of welfare care (about care for the elderly among other things). In this context, dynamic statistic models will be used, among other things.


                                                                          Research team(s)

                                                                            Project type(s)

                                                                            • Research Project

                                                                            The External Quality of a Care System. The Efficiency of Social Services for the Elderly in Flanders. 01/01/1996 - 30/06/1997


                                                                            In this project, the efficiency will be investigated of ambulant and residential social provisions for the elderly in Flanders, both cross-sectionally and by means of longitudinal data. The significance of supply factors with regard to efficiency will also be analysed and discussed.


                                                                            Research team(s)

                                                                              Project type(s)

                                                                              • Research Project

                                                                              Voluntary Work in Society. 01/11/1995 - 31/01/1996


                                                                              This is a short-term study assignment for the King Boudewijn Foundation on 'volunteers in society'. The purpose is to sketch an overview of the current situation and how it is evolving, including problems and new solutions, as well as the way in which voluntary work in society is developing.


                                                                              Research team(s)

                                                                                Project type(s)

                                                                                • Research Project

                                                                                Evaluation of an alternative financing method for social care 01/08/1995 - 31/08/1998


                                                                                In different countries alternative methods of financing social care are emerging. So there is f.e. a shift of the subsidy from the social care system to the users of care. The research assignment is to give advice on the design of an experiment with this method and to evaluate the experiment.


                                                                                Research team(s)

                                                                                  Project type(s)

                                                                                  • Research Project

                                                                                  Domain relationship and coordination in general personal social sevices. 01/01/1995 - 31/07/1995


                                                                                  This research analyses the three general personal services (a public welfare agency, a social service in medical nisurance unions and an autonomous agency for social work) in their domain relations: is there an empirical overlap and what does it mean for the coordination between these three types.


                                                                                  Research team(s)

                                                                                    Project type(s)

                                                                                    • Research Project

                                                                                    Scientific performance in the field of social integration in Flanders. 01/07/1994 - 29/09/1994



                                                                                    Research team(s)

                                                                                      Project type(s)

                                                                                      • Research Project

                                                                                      A planning model for the personal social services in Flanders. 01/04/1994 - 30/06/1995


                                                                                      In this research a planning model is developped for the Flemish personal social services (e.g. the general social work, care for the handicapped, the aged, the very young and the youth with special behavior problems, poverty programmes). We develop a macro perspective on the projected needs and demands as well on the supply in terms of types of services and volume.


                                                                                      • Promoter: Breda Jef
                                                                                      • Co-promoter: Deleeck Herman

                                                                                      Research team(s)

                                                                                        Project type(s)

                                                                                        • Research Project

                                                                                        Needs and care for the elderly in small cities. 01/03/1994 - 28/02/1995


                                                                                        Parallel to a former research project, we investigate in smaller cities wether there is a difference in the needs, demands and the reception of care in these communities. We pay attention to the informal care, the market and the non-profit services. Any difference we find will be looked at e.g. wether it is related to cultural element of to supply factors.


                                                                                        Research team(s)

                                                                                          Project type(s)

                                                                                          • Research Project

                                                                                          The measurement of the concept of social welfare. 01/04/1993 - 31/12/1996


                                                                                          This research concerns an elaboration of the theoretical notion of 'social welfare' and the empirical measurement. Based on a large socio-demographical survey in Belgium, we plan to develop various measures and indexes of the central concept. With this instrument, we will try to compare social categories, regions and time periods.


                                                                                          Research team(s)

                                                                                            Project type(s)

                                                                                            • Research Project

                                                                                            Domain relationship and coordination in general personal social services. 01/04/1993 - 31/12/1994


                                                                                            This research analyses the three general personal social services (a public welfare agency in medical insurance unions and an autonomous agency for social work) in their domainrelations: is there an empirical overlap and what does it mean for the coordination between these three types.


                                                                                            Research team(s)

                                                                                              Project type(s)

                                                                                              • Research Project

                                                                                              Care for dependent elderly: a study of needs, demand and care. 01/04/1992 - 31/12/1995


                                                                                              This research is concerned with the needs and the demands of frail elderly of 75 years and older. It looks also at the care which is delivered either by informal helpers, the market of by non-profit agencies.


                                                                                              Research team(s)

                                                                                                Project type(s)

                                                                                                • Research Project

                                                                                                Allocation of time and workers in general social work agencies. 01/04/1992 - 31/03/1994


                                                                                                This research studies the use of the main productive factor in social work, the social workers themselves. How and where do they work, what kind of activities do they untertake and how much time is put in these tasks? We used time-studies in 12 agencies where all social workers noticed their time uses during one week. With the data, we were able to propose a more equitable allocation-formula.


                                                                                                Research team(s)

                                                                                                  Project type(s)

                                                                                                  • Research Project

                                                                                                  The social dynamic of social security, well-being and family structures. 01/01/1992 - 31/12/1996


                                                                                                  The research team wants to gain more in-depth knowledge about the influence of social, economic and policy changes on: - income and social insecurity - well-being of families and their members - social webs and social environmental surrounding. The attention will be focused on the consequences of the (re)structuring of the course of life due to the increasing variety of family practices.


                                                                                                  Research team(s)

                                                                                                    Project type(s)

                                                                                                    • Research Project

                                                                                                    The fit between different care systems for very frail elderly 01/03/1991 - 28/02/1994


                                                                                                    The project will describe and analyse the dynamic care pattern of 300 frail elderly, in particular the fit between informal an formal care. Policy proposals will be put forwards on that basis.


                                                                                                    Research team(s)

                                                                                                      Project type(s)

                                                                                                      • Research Project

                                                                                                      Regulation and production of data in social care 01/11/1990 - 30/11/1992


                                                                                                      The project aims at developing a taxonomy which classifies the statutory and administrative rules in the social care sector and identifies the data produced and stored in the sector. The taxonomy will be used as background (e.g. for the study of the relation between informal an formal care) as well as for comparative purposes.


                                                                                                      Research team(s)

                                                                                                        Project type(s)

                                                                                                        • Research Project

                                                                                                        Social Services Utilization by the Elderly. 01/03/1989 - 31/07/1997


                                                                                                        The subject of this project is the measurement and analysis of elderly people's options with regard to the different kinds of care available in society (informal, formal and commercial). In other words, this is a study into the determinants of social provisions utilization. Within the framework of the study into the living conditions and social situation of the very old, sociological theories will be developed and tested by means of a model.


                                                                                                        Research team(s)

                                                                                                          Project type(s)

                                                                                                          • Research Project