Which training leads to employment? The effectiveness of varying types of training programmes for unemployed jobseekers in Flanders

Journal of social policy - ISSN 0047-2794- (2024) p. 1-22

Childcare ideals among second generation Muslim Moroccan immigrants in Flanders

Community, work & family - ISSN 1366-8803-27:2 (2024) p. 170-187

Uptake and effectiveness of ALMP training programmes in first and second generation migrants in Belgium

Antwerp, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, 2023,248 p.

A closer look at demand-side explanations for the Matthew effect in formal childcare uptake in Europe and Australia

Journal of European social policy - ISSN 0958-9287- (2023) p. 1-18