Neuroendocrine neoplasms 01/11/2021 - 31/10/2024


This PhD project on neuroendocrine tumors (NET) in collaboration with the university hospital Antwerp (UZA) will consist of 2 research parts. 1. Translational research on neuroendocrine organoids, which is a relatively new model with the possibility of investigating various treatment options. These organoids have the same morphological, genetic and phenotypical features as the in vivo tumor and therefore are an important tool for preclinical and clinical research, but until recent there are only few studies ongoing with these organoids. Currently a pNET organoid biobank is created, developed in the UAntwerp and UZA, in collaboration with the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Through this biobank research will be conducted to test known resistance mechanisms against current cancer treatments and to develop new potential treatment options. Drug screening will be performed using the OrBITS platform, developed by CORE. 2. Clinical biomarker research, improving of new treatment options, quality of life of NET patients, prospective and retrospective clinical trials and data analyses. For this we will make use of the NETwerk and NETwork databases. Since 2017 NETwerk is a European reference center for NETs existing of various Flemish hospitals.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Neuroendocrine neoplasms from bench to bedside: unravelling personalised strategies through the integration of clinical data and patient­derived organoids. 01/03/2023 - 29/02/2024


This PhD project on neuroendocrine tumors (NET) in collaboration with the university hospital Antwerp (UZA) will consist of 2 research parts. 1. Translational research on neuroendocrine organoids, which is a relatively new model with the possibility of investigating various treatment options. These organoids have the same morphological, genetic and phenotypical features as the in vivo tumor and therefore are an important tool for preclinical and clinical research, but until recent there are only few studies ongoing with these organoids. Currently a pNET organoid biobank is created, developed in the UAntwerp and UZA, in collaboration with the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Through this biobank research will be conducted to test known resistance mechanisms against current cancer treatments and to develop new potential treatment options. Drug screening will be performed using the OrBITS platform, developed by CORE. 2. Clinical biomarker research, improving of new treatment options, quality of life of NET patients, prospective and retrospective clinical trials and data analyses. For this we will make use of the NETwerk and NETwork databases. Since 2017 NETwerk is a European reference center for NETs existing of various Flemish hospitals.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project