Learning outcomes

1. The Master has the knowledge of the main infectious diseases, the physiopathology, the sources and the ways of transmission within the context of a hospital.

2. The Master has a ready knowledge of measures for the prevention of hospital infections and epidemics.

3. The Master has knowledge of the use of antimicrobial medicine and has the ability to pursue a correct antibiotics policy.

4. The Master has a thorough knowledge of the health organisation, including the legal framework and the financing of medical and nursing activities.

5. The Master has the ability to collect and interpret surveillance data according to scientific methods and to follow up on them.

6. The Master can give adequate support when starting antimicrobial therapy.


7. The Master has the skill to formulate a question in the framework of an epidemic situation and to set up an epidemiological investigation.

8. The Master has the ability to execute a detailed process analysis in the domain of prevention of hospital infections in order to improve the quality of care, based on current scientific knowledge and results of personal and international scientific research.

9. The Master can introduce and follow up indicators in the domain of hospital infections and adjust processes based on these indicators.


10. The Master has knowledge of the methodology of information processing, data collecting interpretation and statistical processing in the domain of infection prevention.

11. The Master has the skills to set up, plan and report on a epidemiological scientific study in a master’s project.

12. The Master can find evidence-based literature and guidelines and use this in practice.

13. The Master can ask a relevant research question and gather information based on the information from hospital information systems.


14. The Master is willing to reflect on their own values, standards, attitudes, preconceptions and judgements concerning their own physical, emotional and mental health and development. The Master is aware of the impact this has on their further development as prevention worker and aid worker.

15. The Master is prepared to engage with doctors, nurses and other persons and groups in a hospital and to motivate them to change certain habits and to initiate a change in behaviour for the promotion of hospital hygiene.

16. When taking measures for the prevention and monitoring of hospital infections and epidemics, the Master has an appropriate attitude towards diversity in all repects, which shows in respect for ethical and cultural values and standards of various actors within the hospital.

17. The Master is able to take a reasoned and scientifically founded stand in (social) discussions on infection prevention and control, both for a scientifically and non scientifically trained audience.


18. The Master shows commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration with nurses, doctors, paramedics, and technical and maintenance staff for the promotion of hospital hygiene.