Preparatory Programme
Dutch-taught Master of Interpreting
Based on this application a personal and individual preparatory programme is put together using the courses listed below.
Students with a Bachelor degree in Linguistics and Literature for two foreign languages can follow a shortened study programme of 24 ECTS-credits.
For this preparatory programme, candidates are expected to have completed a bachelor programme with one or two foreign languages. The preparatory programme consists of 24 to 72 ECTS-credits depending on previously obtained qualifications.
Note: the programme aims to have as few overlaps of courses as possible in its planning of the timetable, however this cannot be guaranteed.
General discipline-related courses
Students from the Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature who would like to start the Master of Interpreting may select as electives for their bachelor programmes the courses Translation/Interpreting Studies (3 ECTS-credits) and Intercultural communication (6 ECTS-credits). If they do so, they only need to complete a preparatory programme of 15 ECTS-credits, which they can combine with the study programme for the Master of Interpreting.
Translation and Interpreting Studies
Intercultural Communication
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Deutsche Grammatik 1, die Basis: Einführung in die Grammatik des Deutschen
Deutsche Grammatik 2, Vertiefung und Erweiterung: Verb, Adjektiv und Präposition
Deutsche Sprachbeherrschung 1
Kommunikation und Gesellschaft im deutschsprachigen Raum
Deutsche Grammatik 3: Eine funktionale Betrachtung der wichtigsten Wortarten
Deutsch: Schriftliche und mündliche Kommunikation 1
Translation German–Dutch 1
Translation German–Dutch 2
Deutsche Kulturgeschichte
Gesellschaft, Kultur und Medien im deutschsprachigen Raum
Deutsch: Schriftliche und mündliche Kommunikation 2
Translation German–Dutch 3
German: Interpreting Skills
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Advanced English Grammar for English Language Professionals
Advanced English Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
Communication in English 1: Analysing Texts in Context
Advanced English Grammar and Proficiency
Communication in English 2: Contextual Text Analysis and Production
Translation English–Dutch 1
Introduction to British and American Culture
The Outsider in Global Anglophone Literature
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for English: Culture and history
Communication in English 3: Advanced Text Production for English Language Professionals
English: Interpreting Skills
To enroll the student must have followed
English Grammar and Language Proficiency and English: Translation to Dutch 1 in a previous year
Translation English–Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Grammaire française
Maîtrise du français écrit et oral
Textes, genres, discours en langue française
Culture française, nation et globalisation
Translation French–Dutch 1
Communication professionnelle écrite en français
Culture et littérature françaises: contextes et œuvres
Communication scientifique écrite en français
Communication professionnelle et scientifique orale en français
French: Interpreting Skills
Translation French–Dutch 2
Communication orale en français
Grammaire textuelle du français
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Hanyu yufa: Chinese grammar 1
Hanyu jiaoji: Chinese Communication and Social Media 1
Hanyu du xie: Chinese Language Proficiency 1
Hanyu yufa: Chinese Grammar 2
Hanyu du xie: Chinese Language Proficiency 2
Hanyu jiaoji: Chinese Communication and Social Media 2
Hanyu yu wenhua: Chinese Language and Contemporary Culture
Zhongguo lishi: History, Culture and Political Economy of China
Hanyu du xie: Chinese Language Proficiency 3
Hanyu jiaoji: Chinese Communication and Social Media 3
Hanyu jiaoji: Chinese Communication and Social Media 4
Translation Chinese–Dutch
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Italiano: Grammatica e pratica 1
Italiano: Grammatica e pratica 2
Italiano: Comunicazione e comprensione 1
Italiano: Comunicazione e comprensione 2
Italia: Stato e società
Grammatica e comunicazione in italiano
L’italiano contemporaneo: la comunicazione scritta
Translation Italian–Dutch 1
La bellezza in Italia: arti e storia 1
La bellezza in Italia: arti e storia 2
Civiltà italiana e produzione linguistica 1
Civiltà italiana e produzione linguistica 2
L’italiano contemporaneo: la comunicazione parlata
Translation Italian–Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Gramática española 1
Gramática española 2
Lengua española: Destrezas básicas
Lengua española: Destrezas intermedias
Español: Comunicación profesional 1
Lengua española: Destrezas avanzadas
Translation Spanish–Dutch 1
Español: Comunicación profesional 2
Sociedad y cultura en España
Sociedad y cultura en España: Destrezas orales
Sociedad y cultura en Hispanoamérica
Sociedad y cultura en Hispanoamérica: Destrezas orales
Español: Estrategias de escritura profesional
Español: Estrategias de comunicación oral
Translation Spanish–Dutch 2
Based on this application a personal and individual preparatory programme is put together using the courses listed below.
Students with a Bachelor degree in Linguistics and Literature for two foreign languages can follow a shortened study programme of 24 ECTS-credits.
For this preparatory programme, candidates are expected to have completed a bachelor programme with one or two foreign languages. The preparatory programme consists of 24 to 72 ECTS-credits depending on previously obtained qualifications.
Note: the programme aims to have as few overlaps of courses as possible in its planning of the timetable, however this cannot be guaranteed.
General discipline-related courses
Students from the Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature who would like to start the Master of Interpreting may select as electives for their bachelor programmes the courses Translation/Interpreting Studies (3 ECTS-credits) and Intercultural communication (6 ECTS-credits). If they do so, they only need to complete a preparatory programme of 15 ECTS-credits, which they can combine with the study programme for the Master of Interpreting.
Translation and Interpreting Studies
- Nina Reviers
- Guillermo Sanz Gallego
Intercultural Communication
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
German: Grammar 1
German: Grammar 2
German: Language Proficiency 1
German: Communication and Society
German: Grammar 3
German: Oral and Written Communication 1
German: Translation into Dutch 1
German: Translation into Dutch 2
German: Cultural History
German: Society and Culture
German: Oral and Written Communication 2
German: Translation into Dutch 3
German: Interpreting Skills
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
English: Grammar
English: Language Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English: Text and Communication 1
English: Grammar and Language Proficiency
English: Text and Communication 2
English: Translation into Dutch 1
English: Culture and History
English: Culture and Literature
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for English: Culture and history
English: Text and Communication 3
English: Interpreting Skills
To enroll the student must have followed
English Grammar and Language Proficiency and English: Translation to Dutch 1 in a previous year
English: Translation into Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
French: Grammar 1
French: Language Proficiency 1
French: Text and Communication
French: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
French: Culture and Globalisation
French: Translation into Dutch 1
French: Professional Communication
French: Culture and Literature
French: Written Professional and Academic Communication
French: Oral Professional and Academic Communication
French: Interpreting Skills
French: Translation into Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Chinese: Grammar 1
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 1
Chinese: Language Proficiency 1
Chinese: Grammar 2
Chinese: Language Proficiency 2
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 2
Chinese: Language and Contemporary Culture
Chinese: History, Culture and Political Economy
Chinese: Language Proficiency 3
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 3
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 4
Chinese: Translation into Dutch
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Italian: Grammar 1
Italian: Grammar 2
Italian: Language Proficiency 1
Italian: Language Proficiency 2
Italian: Communication and Society
Italian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 3
Italian: Professional Communication 1
Italian: Translation into Dutch 1
Italian: History, Literature and Visual Arts 1
Italian: History, Culture and Visual Arts 2
Italian: Text Creation 1
Italian: Text Creation 2
Italian: Professional Communication 2
Italian: Translation into Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Spanish: Grammar 1
Spanish: Grammar 2
Spanish: Language Proficiency 1
Spanish: Language Proficiency 2
Spanish: Professional Communication 1
Spanish: Grammar and Language Proficiency 3
Spanish: Translation into Dutch 1
Spanish: Professional Communication 2
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain - Seminar
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America - Seminar
Spanish: Written Professional Communication 3
Spanish: Oral Professional Communication 4
Spanish: Translation into Dutch 2
Based on this application a personal and individual preparatory programme is put together using the courses listed below.
Students with a Bachelor degree in Linguistics and Literature for two foreign languages can follow a shortened study programme of 24 ECTS-credits.
For this preparatory programme, candidates are expected to have completed a bachelor programme with one or two foreign languages. The preparatory programme consists of 24 to 72 ECTS-credits depending on previously obtained qualifications.
Note: the programme aims to have as few overlaps of courses as possible in its planning of the timetable, however this cannot be guaranteed.
General discipline-related courses
Students from the Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature who would like to start the Master of Interpreting may select as electives for their bachelor programmes the courses Translation/Interpreting Studies (3 ECTS-credits) and Intercultural communication (6 ECTS-credits). If they do so, they only need to complete a preparatory programme of 15 ECTS-credits, which they can combine with the study programme for the Master of Interpreting.
Translation and Interpreting Studies
- Nina Reviers
- Guillermo Sanz Gallego
Intercultural Communication
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
German: Grammar 1
German: Grammar 2
German: Language Proficiency 1
German: Communication and Society
German: Grammar 3
German: Oral and Written Communication 1
German: Translation into Dutch 1
German: Translation into Dutch 2
- Carola Strobl
- Hilde Keteleer
German: Cultural History
- Patricia Linden
- Jana Vijayakumaran
- Thomas Ernst
German: Society and Culture
German: Oral and Written Communication 2
German: Translation into Dutch 3
German: Interpreting Skills
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
English: Grammar
English: Language Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English: Text and Communication 1
- Nina Reviers
- Anna Gagiano
- Paula Gruppelaar
English: Grammar and Language Proficiency
English: Text and Communication 2
English: Translation into Dutch 1
- Nina Reviers
- Paula Gruppelaar
- Line Magnus
English: Culture and History
English: Culture and Literature
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for English: Culture and history
English: Text and Communication 3
English: Interpreting Skills
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for
English Grammar and Language Proficiency and English: Translation to Dutch 1
English: Translation into Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
French: Grammar 1
French: Language Proficiency 1
French: Text and Communication
French: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
French: Culture and Globalisation
French: Translation into Dutch 1
- Kris Peeters
- Elena Fierens
French: Professional Communication
French: Culture and Literature
French: Written Professional and Academic Communication
French: Oral Professional and Academic Communication
French: Interpreting Skills
French: Translation into Dutch 2
- Kris Peeters
- Elena Fierens
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Chinese: Grammar 1
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 1
Chinese: Language Proficiency 1
Chinese: Grammar 2
Chinese: Language Proficiency 2
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 2
Chinese: Language and Contemporary Culture
Chinese: History, Culture and Political Economy
Chinese: Language Proficiency 3
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 3
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 4
Chinese: Translation into Dutch
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Italian: Grammar 1
Italian: Grammar 2
Italian: Language Proficiency 1
Italian: Language Proficiency 2
Italian: Communication and Society
Italian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 3
Italian: Professional Communication 1
Italian: Translation into Dutch 1
Italian: History, Literature and Visual Arts 1
Italian: History, Culture and Visual Arts 2
Italian: Text Creation 1
Italian: Text Creation 2
Italian: Professional Communication 2
Italian: Translation into Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Spanish: Grammar 1
Spanish: Grammar 2
Spanish: Language Proficiency 1
Spanish: Language Proficiency 2
Spanish: Professional Communication 1
Spanish: Grammar and Language Proficiency 3
Spanish: Translation into Dutch 1
Spanish: Professional Communication 2
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain - Seminar
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America - Seminar
Spanish: Written Professional Communication 3
Spanish: Oral Professional Communication 4
Spanish: Translation into Dutch 2
Based on this application a personal and individual preparatory programme is put together using the courses listed below.
Students with a Bachelor degree in Linguistics and Literature for two foreign languages can follow a shortened study programme of 24 ECTS-credits.
For this preparatory programme, candidates are expected to have completed a bachelor programme with one or two foreign languages. The preparatory programme consists of 24 to 72 ECTS-credits depending on previously obtained qualifications.
Note: the programme aims to have as few overlaps of courses as possible in its planning of the timetable, however this cannot be guaranteed.
General discipline-related courses
Students from the Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature who would like to start the Master of Interpreting may select as electives for their bachelor programmes the courses Translation/Interpreting Studies (3 ECTS-credits) and Intercultural communication (6 ECTS-credits). If they do so, they only need to complete a preparatory programme of 15 ECTS-credits, which they can combine with the study programme for the Master of Interpreting.
Translation and Interpreting Studies
Intercultural Communication
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
German: Grammar 1
German: Grammar 2
German: Language Proficiency 1
German: Communication and Society
German: Grammar 3
German: Oral and Written Communication 1
German: Translation into Dutch 1
German: Translation into Dutch 2
German: Cultural History
- Patricia Linden
- Thomas Ernst
- Jana Vijayakumaran
German: Society and Culture
German: Oral and Written Communication 2
German: Translation into Dutch 3
German: Interpreting Skills
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
English: Grammar
English: Language Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English: Text and Communication 1
English: Grammar and Language Proficiency
English: Text and Communication 2
English: Translation into Dutch 1
English: Culture and History
English: Culture and Literature
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for English: Culture and history
- Frank Albers
- Lauren Ottaviani
English: Text and Communication 3
English: Interpreting Skills
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for
English Grammar and Language Proficiency and English: Translation to Dutch 1
English: Translation into Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
French: Grammar 1
French: Language Proficiency 1
French: Text and Communication
French: Grammar and Language Proficiency 2
French: Culture and Globalisation
French: Translation into Dutch 1
French: Professional Communication
French: Culture and Literature
French: Written Professional and Academic Communication
French: Oral Professional and Academic Communication
French: Interpreting Skills
French: Translation into Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Chinese: Grammar 1
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 1
Chinese: Language Proficiency 1
Chinese: Grammar 2
Chinese: Language Proficiency 2
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 2
Chinese: Language and Contemporary Culture
Chinese: History, Culture and Political Economy
Chinese: Language Proficiency 3
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 3
Chinese: Communication and Social Media 4
Chinese: Translation into Dutch
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Italian: Grammar 1
Italian: Grammar 2
Italian: Language Proficiency 1
Italian: Language Proficiency 2
Italian: Communication and Society
Italian: Grammar and Language Proficiency 3
Italian: Professional Communication 1
Italian: Translation into Dutch 1
Italian: History, Literature and Visual Arts 1
Italian: History, Culture and Visual Arts 2
Italian: Text Creation 1
Italian: Text Creation 2
Italian: Professional Communication 2
Italian: Translation into Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Spanish: Grammar 1
Spanish: Grammar 2
Spanish: Language Proficiency 1
Spanish: Language Proficiency 2
Spanish: Professional Communication 1
Spanish: Grammar and Language Proficiency 3
Spanish: Translation into Dutch 1
Spanish: Professional Communication 2
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain
Spanish: Society and Culture in Spain - Seminar
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America
Spanish: Society and Culture in Latin America - Seminar
Spanish: Written Professional Communication 3
Spanish: Oral Professional Communication 4
Spanish: Translation into Dutch 2
Based on this application a personal and individual preparatory programme is put together using the courses listed below.
Students with a Bachelor degree in Linguistics and Literature for two foreign languages can follow a shortened study programme of 24 ECTS-credits.
For this preparatory programme, candidates are expected to have completed a bachelor programme with one or two foreign languages. The preparatory programme consists of 24 to 72 ECTS-credits depending on previously obtained qualifications.
Note: the programme aims to have as few overlaps of courses as possible in its planning of the timetable, however this cannot be guaranteed.
General discipline-related courses
Students from the Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature who would like to start the Master of Interpreting may select as electives for their bachelor programmes the courses Translation/Interpreting Studies (3 ECTS-credits) and Intercultural communication (6 ECTS-credits). If they do so, they only need to complete a preparatory programme of 15 ECTS-credits, which they can combine with the study programme for the Master of Interpreting.
Translation/Interpreting Studies
Intercultural Communication
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
German Grammar 1
German Grammar 2
German proficiency 1
- Tanja Mortelmans
- Tom Smits
- Alex Haider
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German Text and Communication 1
- Patricia Linden
- Alex Haider
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German grammar 3
German Text and Communication 2
- Carola Strobl
- Alex Haider
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German: Translation German > Dutch 1
German: Translation German > Dutch 2
History of German Culture
German Culture
German Text Creation
- Carola Strobl
- Alex Haider
- Liselotte Van der Gucht
German: Translation German > Dutch 3
German Interpreting Skills
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
English Grammar 1
English Grammar 2
English Language Proficiency 1
English Proficiency 2
English Text and Communication 1
English Grammar and Language Proficiency
English Text and Communication 2
English: Translation English > Dutch 1
English Culture and History
English Culture 2
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for English: Culture and History
English Text and Communication 3
English Interpreting Skills
To enroll the student must have obtained a credit (at least 10/20) for
English Grammar and Language Proficiency and English: Translation English > Dutch 1
English: Translation English > Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
French Grammar 1
French Language Proficiency 1
French: Text and communication
French Grammar and Language Proficiency
French Culture 1
French: Translation French > Dutch 1
French Text Production 1
French Culture 2
French Text Production 2
French Text Production 3
French Interpreting Skills
French: Translation French > Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Chinese Grammar 1
Chinese Communication and Media 1
Chinese Language Proficiency 1
Chinese Grammar 2
Chinese Language Proficiency 2
Chinese Communication and Media 2
Chinese Language and Culture
Chinese Culture
Chinese Language Proficiency 3
Chinese Communication and Media 3
Chinese Communication and Media 4
Chinese: Translation Chinese > Dutch
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme
Italian Grammar 1
Italian Grammar 2
Italian Language Proficiency 1
Italian Language Proficiency 2
Italian Communication and Society
Italian Grammar and Language Proficiency
Italian Professional Communication 1
Italian: Translation Italian > Dutch 1
Italian Culture 1
Italian Culture 2
Italian Text Creation 1
Italian Text Creation 2
Italian Professional Communication 2
Italian: Translation Italian > Dutch 2
Compulsory courses depending on the assigned study programme