Learning outcomes

Dutch-taught Master of Translation

Language proficiency and translation competence

1. Masters have command of standard Dutch at mother tongue level or C2-level (reading, listening, writing, speaking and having conversations) of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. They have command of the B-language and the C-language (with the exception of Chinese) at C2-level for reading and listening, at C1-level for writing, speaking and having conversations. The students taking Chinese, have command of this language at C1-level. Masters use this advanced contrastive language knowledge adequately in the translation process.

2. Masters can translate general and specialised texts from the B-language and the C-language into Dutch and vice versa conform a set translation assignment (deadline, specifications, etc.), whereby they efficiently use electronical and technological instruments.

3. Masters know the structure of and the developments within the translation market and can professionally initiate, negotiate and execute complex translation assignments with a client in accordance with the deontological codes. They can revise translations at a professional level and can autonomously compose and manage domain-specific terminologies.

Culture and intercultural communication

4. Masters have advanced knowledge of the history and current affairs (social, political, institutional and cultural structures) of the countries where the studied languages are spoken.

5. Masters know the main theories and principles on intercultural communication and are aware of the developments in the international community so as to act and reflect from an open global vision.

6. Masters critically use this knowledge in the translation process.

Academic skills

7. Masters have a translation-scientific frame of reference which enables them to academically and critically reflect on translation. They know the relevant developments in the translation discipline, can form an opinion about it and critically place this in a broad social and intercultural context.

8. Masters can independently conceive, plan and execute research on a limited scale within the translation discipline at the level of a junior researcher. They can report academically in Dutch and at least one foreign language on it and communicate about it with laymen and peers.

Learning skills

9. Masters can plan, direct, execute and evaluate a translation process independently and in a team whereby they can justify and evaluate their contribution and choices. Masters can function effectively as a translator in a multidisciplinary and international environment.

10. Masters have the skills and the attitude to continuously keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date independently and in a team and to maintain and extend their future professional network.