Quality, facts and figures

Quality assurance

At the University of Antwerp we ensure the quality of our programmes. Every programme goes through a six-year quality assurance cycle.

In year three, we review the quality assurance of the programme during the internal process monitoring and control. In fall 2019 this was done for the bachelor in de chemie and the Master of Chemistry.

A peer review in year six concludes the cycle. The study programme conducts a self-reflection and has discussions with internal and external experts and with an independent student.

On 28 and 29 November 2023 the peer review team visited the bachelor in de chemie and the Master of Chemistry and decided to confirm its confidence in the programme.

Conclusions of the peer review team

The review team concludes that the chemistry programme is solid. Students acquire thorough basic scientific knowledge in a variety of chemical subdisciplines and develop generic and subject-specific competences. In practicals, students acquire lab skills. Students have a lot of choices in the programme. The programme actively uses the presence of the (petro)chemical sector in Antwerp to include company visits, company internships, guest lectures by external lecturers, guest professors from industry in the programme. The English master's degree, for which students are already prepared in the bachelor's programme, is also a great added value for the student's employability in the working field.

The review team particularly appreciates the programme component 'Chemistry in daily life' in first bachelor, which makes students aware of the impact of chemistry on society.

The teaching team, limited in size, is dedicated and very approachable, according to students and alumni. There is a strong commitment to teaching and a high level of engagement with students.

The review team believes that, because of its strong student focus, the programme is very ambitious. As suggested by the review team, the programme will spread its ambitions more over time. In the short term, it is mainly making minor adjustments to the programme. Specifically, it is taking stock of the teaching and assessment methods and the number of lab reports in order to rationalise them, simplifying the structure of the Master in terms of choices and looking at the possibility of clustering courses of limited size into a larger whole to optimise studyability. Strengthening theoretical chemistry in the bachelor's degree as a function of applications in computational chemistry in the master's degree is also included in this process. The programme is also looking at how it can inform students about the follow-up of results of educational evaluations.

Read the entire public report

Facts and figures

The website ‘opleiding in cijfers' gives you more detailed information about UAntwerpen's bachelor in de chemie and the Master of Chemistry.