Learning outcomes

1. The postgraduate has insight into the determinants of health and public health at local and international levels.

2. The postgraduate has insight into the basics of epidemiology and public health, is familiar with the main developments in epidemiology, and learns how to perform empirical research on socially relevant and complex problems related to health and healthcare at an individual and population level.

3. The postgraduate makes an independent specific contribution to high-quality and relevant epidemiological research in a multidisciplinary context (computer scientists, statisticians, health economists, policymakers, and healthcare workers, among others).

4. The postgraduate has a command of relevant software for epidemiological research and analysis.

5. The postgraduate translates a health problem into a scientific research question, writes a scientifically sound research proposal, and draws up a detailed data collection, management and analysis plan.

6. The postgraduate aims to contribute to a sustainable improvement of local and global health care, disease surveillance and prevention.

7. Using epidemiological expertise, the postgraduate contributes to translating research results into policy and practice in an interprofessional context.

8. The postgraduate disseminates and communicates the results of epidemiological research in a scientifically correct and transparent manner to peers, policymakers, and the general public.

9. The postgraduate critically reflects on their and other people's research and assumes a scientific, integer, professional, ethical attitude and pays attention to social justice and diversity.

10. The postgraduate can work in a competitive environment.

11. The postgraduate has developed an attitude of continuous learning that allows them to maintain their epidemiological expertise up to date for life in an independent and self-directed way.