Ruusbroec Institute Library (Grote Kauwenberg 32)

  • 9:00–12:00 – Patricia Stoop (University of Antwerp), Female Readers in Religious Communities in the Low Countries
  • 12:30–13:30 – Lunch @ Agora Caffee

Wilrijk (near Antwerp, Letterkundestraat)

  • 14:30–16:30 – Patrick Goossens (Letter-kunde press), Women on the shop floor, a hands-on experience (After a brief introduction to the collection, participants will immerse themselves in a hands-on experience. The whole process, from making the punch and matrix, casting the type, to setting and composing the text, and finally, the actual printing, will be observed and performed.)

Restaurant De Lokeend (Generaal Belliardstraat 11)

  • 19:00 – Summer School dinner