Business and Economics

Working in Belgium

On average, 93.6% of all our graduates found a job within 6 months after graduation. Together, they represent 61 nationalities, currently employed in 59 countries worldwide. If we zoom in on our international students, we see 1/3 stays in Belgium to work after graduation. 

That's why we find it important to give you all information about working in Belgium, even before you start your Master's studies. 

Search year

EEA students and non-EEA students with a permanent residence in Belgium can look for employment in Belgium and work as a self-employed person in the same way as Belgian citizens.

Until recently, as a non-EEA student holding a right of residence in Belgium based on your studies, you had to obtain a different residence permit if you wanted to stay in Belgium after graduating. However, in March 2021, the Council of Ministers passed a motion that non-European students studying abroad in Belgium will have 12 months to find work or start a company in Belgium, following the completion of their studies. The “search year” (or “orientation year”) is expected to come into legislated effect in October 2021, but applications can be send in as of 15 August 2021.