Blended Intensive Programme
Leadership Development | 2025 edition
As the name suggests, a Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) is a combination of a short, physical mobility abroad with a mandatory virtual component. This innovative programme promotes online learning exchange and teamwork. The Faculty of Business and Economics offers a BIP in Leadership Development.
Why Leadership Development?
The way we work has changed... Lifelong learning and agility are becoming a must in a fast paced world in which new skill sets are constantly needed (e.g., new technologies, new methodologies…). People work hybrid, regardless of status (freelance, entrepreneur, employee...), location, etc.
We see a trend away from formal and rigid hierarchical structures, more towards flexible organizational structures, teaming and a more project-based way of working. People also want to make a real difference in the world, look for true meaning in their work, and at the same time, also pursue a healthy life balance.
In this chaotic world with little stability, it is crucial that people develop a strong inner stance or compass to keep moving forward in a healthy and sustainable way. That is also why leadership is such a hot topic. It's much more than just a formal role, it's a value and mindset, an overall state of being.
This was the BIP

Here's what participants thought

Self, outcome, others
Therefore, in this course, we are going to explore the leader in all of us, in spite of the actual formal functions they want to pursue in the future. We will focus on "leading the self" first and then move on to "leading the result and leading others".
- Lead the self, connect with yourself and grow from dependence to independence
- Self-leadership and leadership styles
- Self-awareness - talents and passions
- Self-empathy - emotional intelligence and maturity
- Lead the outcome, connect with your highest purpose to set more concrete goal and come to efficiency and effectiveness
- Lead others, connect with others and come to a healthy interdependence
- Team dynamics
- Agile, co-creative team work
- Give and receive feedback - connective clarity
What is the format?
An online part in early May 2025
One introduction session of +/- 2 hours
- Short introduction of/by the BIP-team
- A group "check-in" round
- Introduction of the full program + kick-off online program
- Setup of intervision groups for the coming weeks
- Q&A practicalities
Three interactive modules on leadership, self-leadership and self-awareness (talents and passions) with three weeks in May/Juin. (work load per week: about 4 hours)
- watching prerecorded videos
- preparing individual reflection exercises
- organizing online intervision group sessions
- attending live online Q&A sessions on demand
A live part in July 2025
One preparation exercise of +/- 2 hours (to do individually in June - self-paced / to bring to the live week in Antwerp)
- watching prerecorded videos
- preparing individual reflection exercises
Live week in Antwerp, June 3O - July 4: five-day in-person program in Antwerp*
- Informal drink on the night before the first day and opening dinner on the first day
- First two days workshops on leading the self with prof. dr. Leen Adams and leadership coach Katelijne Berré
- Further elaborating on the previous online modules and exercises: Self-awareness, talents and passions; Self-leadership, purpose; Self-empathy, emotional intelligence and maturity
- Further elaborating on the previous online modules and exercises: Self-awareness, talents and passions; Self-leadership, purpose; Self-empathy, emotional intelligence and maturity
- One day offsite on goals and direction
- Group coaching session with horses on a horse farm with international leadership trainer Wendy Van Den Bulck about setting clear goals and learn how to navigate with these goals and giving clear feedback to your environment
- Last two days on leading others
- One day to further elaborate on team dynamics and team work with Prof. Dr. Leen Adams and leadership coaches Katelijne Berré and Jef Cumps,
- a 'real' CEO testimonial on how it is like to be a formal leader
- One closing day with
- intervision and presentation session
- a check-out session
- an informal goodbye drink
*if students want to visit different things and enjoy free time in Antwerp, they should book additional days before/after - the 5 days are full with sessions
Who can participate?
Both FBE students and international students can take part. You can find more practical information about the selection procedure as a current FBE student on the student portal.
At what specific learning outcomes do we aim?
Develop the role of analyst
- You are able to reflect - with an open, curious mind and an open, mild heart - on (self-)leadership related themes, such as human and team dynamics, leadership styles, roles, feedback and purpose.
- You are able and willing to take different perspectives on real-life leadership related challenges.
- You can critically reflect on your own behavior and learning process and on how theoretical frameworks and exercises contributed to your own personal development.
Develop the role of strategist
You can integrate and unite different perspectives to come up with win-win solutions. You can also collaborate with a diverse group of people, in team, in an open and constructive way.
Develop the role of creator
You are capable of formulating different, potential solutions and recommendations which can be applied in a personal context as well as in a team context. You can also co-create potential solutions with a diverse group of people.
Develop the role of coordinator
You are able to apply and integrate different frameworks, concepts and tools to specific real-life situations.
Develop the role of inspirer
You are able to discuss your analyses, solutions and learnings in a clear and respectful way with others, write them down in a clear paper and present your main insights to the group in a transparent, coherent and inspiring way.
What will the evaluation look like?
- Attendance and preparation
- Intervision group sessions (mandatory – can impact grade)
- Live Week (mandatory – can impact grade)
- Two presentation exercises in the live week (70%)
- One written group report based on the online modules (30%)
As attendance is required, this will be taken into account in your grading. Depending on the regulations of your home university the attendance level may vary.
All students will receive a certificate from the University of Antwerp indicating their presence during the week and their grade. When and how these will be distributed depends on the home universities.