Antwerp Tax Academy in the press
A train in the fog
De Tijd, 1 april 2023 - Rik Van Cauwelaert, p. 24.
European recognition for Customs and Excise training
Summer school Legal Technology and Legal Innovation - website
Attached to De Standaard, Fokus, June 2021, p. 16.
L'insécurité juridique actuelle du ruling fiscal
L'Echo, 31 October 2020 - website
Fiscale tweestapsraket viseert kadastraal inkomen
Legal certainty in tax ruling is missing
De Tijd, 9 December 2020 - opinion piece tax law professors - website
'A ruling from the Advance Decisions Department must be respected by the entire FPS Finance. Unfortunately, the legal certainty offered is too often undermined by the FPS itself. Belgium's credibility as an investment country is under threat '.
Antwerp Tax Academy asked for unhindered access to Fisconetplus. The data protection authority follows the position of Antwerp Tax Academy.
Antwerp Tax Academy asked for unhindered access to Fisconetplus.
Access Fisconetplus from 29/05/2020 exclusively via MyMinfin: as a result of a decision of the Data Protection Authority (GBA), access to the Fisconetplus portal via a Microsoft account will be deactivated from Friday 29 May 2020. Users are invited to use the information available on the MyMinfin - Fisconetplus database. The Data Protection Authority's recommendation 1/2009 can be found here.
The position of Antwerp Tax Academy can be found in the newsitem of 31 May 2018.
European recognition for Customs and Excise programme
EU Customs
Certificate of Recognition is a label of excellence for UAntwerp study
The European Commission presents the EU Customs Certificate of Recognition to the Customs and Excise programme of the University of Antwerp. ‘This recognition will encourage us to develop the programme even further’, says coordinator Rik Smet.
The unique continuing education course for Customs and Excise was started in 2018 at the Antwerp Tax Academy, part of the University of Antwerp, in collaboration with FPS Finance and the private sector. UAntwerp organises the Dutch-language part, the Université de Liège takes care of the French-language programme.
Wide range of participants
‘The programme attracts a wide range of participants’, says Professor Bruno Peeters, chairman of the Antwerp Tax Academy. ‘Civil servants, magistrates and lawyers as well as employees and managers from the private sector who have already specialised in the broad field of customs and excise. Those who follow the programme gain a general and up-to-date overview of the various legal, economic and fiscal aspects. The lecturers in this course come from academia, administration, the legal profession and the private sector.’
The training starts with a general programme, which will be organised for the fifth time in 2022 led by Professor Eric Van Dooren. Subsequently, participants can also enrol in the specialisation programme, which consists of several modules.
Those who enrol in the advanced master programme for Tax Law – specialisation Customs and Excise – specialise themselves further into the subject matter and might write a legal master thesis on the subject.
Label of excellence
‘The EU Customs Competency Framework was taken into account during the development of the entire programme’, explains Professor Rik Smet, coordinator of the programme. ‘The European Commission has now awarded our training the EU Customs Certificate of Recognition. This is a label of excellence for academic customs programmes. Of course, we are very proud of this and it proves that we are on the right track with our programme. This recognition will encourage us to develop the programme even further.’
European recognition for Customs and Excise training
EU Customs Certificate of Recognition is label of excellence for UAntwerpen study programme
The European Commission awards the EU Customs Certificate of Recognition to the customs and excise programme of the University of Antwerp. "This recognition will only encourage us to develop the programme even further," says coordinator Rik Smet.
Since 2018, the University of Antwerp has been organising the unique continuing customs and excise training programme within the Antwerp Tax Academy, in consultation with the FPS Finance and with the cooperation of the private sector. UAntwerpen organises the Dutch-language part, the Université de Liège takes care of the French-language programme.
Mixed public
"The programme attracts a mixed public," says Prof. Bruno Peeters, chairman of the Antwerp Tax Academy. "Civil servants, magistrates and lawyers as well as employees and managers from the private sector have already specialised in the broad field of customs and excise. Those who follow the programme will acquire a general and up-to-date overview of the various legal, economic and fiscal aspects. The lecturers in this programme come from the academic world, the administration, the legal profession and the private sector."
The training starts with a basic programme, which will be organised for the fifth time in 2022 under the leadership of Prof. Eric Van Dooren. Subsequently, participants can also enrol in the advanced programme, which consists of various modules.Those who register for the post-master's programme in tax law - specialisation in customs and excise - specialise even further in the subject matter and, for example, write a legal master's thesis in the subject matter.

Label of excellence
"When developing the entire programme, the EU Customs Competency Framework was taken into account," explains Prof. Rik Smet, coordinator of the programme. "The European Commission has now awarded our programme the EU Customs Certificate of Recognition. This is a label of excellence for academic customs programmes. Of course, we are very proud of this and it proves that our programme is on the right track. This recognition will only encourage us to develop the programme even further."
Douane en Accijnzen | Antwerp Tax Academy | Universiteit Antwerpen (
Rik Smet honourably mentioned at the Tax Thesis Award of the European Association of Tax Law Professors
Dr. Rik Smet (guest lecturer UAntwerp and coordinator of the continuing education on customs and excises) was honourably mentioned on Taw Thesis Award 2021 on the yearly congress of the European Association of Tax Law Professors with his thesis “Tax treaty power in a federal form of government' A summary of his thesis can be found here.
Congratulations Rik!
Luisa Scarcella winner of the Tax Thesis Award of the European Association of Tax Law Professors
Dr. Luisa Scarcella (post doc researcher of DigiTax) received the Tax Thesis Award 2021 on the yearly congress of the European Association of Tax Law Professors with her doctoral thesis “Taxing cryptocurrencies. The VAT treatment of Bitcoin as a case-study”. A summary of her thesis can be found here.
Congratulations Luisa!
Jef Van Eyndhoven promoted to Doctor of Law
octoral researcher Jef Van Eyndhoven supervised by prof. dr. Bruno Peeters has succesfully defended his public defense with the title: 'Criminal Enforcement of Tax Obligations. A plea for a well considered depenalization' on 2 December 2020.
Read the summary of the dissertation.

New edition of Belgian tax law manual and new edition of tax legislation bundle
"The 27th edition of the handbook Belgian tax law (2022) by J.J. Couturier (+) and B. Peeters mmv S. De Raedt and R. Smet, has now been published by Maklu Publishers (ISBN 978-90-466-1156-2).
Since September 2022, the new edition of the legislative bundle tax law I, II and III 2022-2023 is also available. This volume is published by Knops Publishing."
Rik Smet promoted to Doctor of Law
The title of his dissertation is 'Tax treaty power in a federal form of government'.
Doctoral researcher Rik Smet supervised by prof. dr. Bruno Peeters and prof. dr. Anne Van de Vijver has successfully defended his public defense with the the titel 'Tax treaty power in a federal form of government' on 23 June 2020.
Read the summary of the dissertation.